Hi, is it possible to download PiMusicBox distro with Mopidy 2.0.0 and jessie linux?
PiMusicBox v0.6.0 is a bit old, contains Mopidy 0.19.5 and wheezy linux.
I second this question.
Ok. I noticed that nobody replied to you guys. Now, while there is no such image, you should know that it quite easy to make it yourself.
You need to
download and install Raspbian Jessie Lite and burn the image to a card. Then you might need to setup wifi (if you are not using ethernet according to this gudie
https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md -
install python pip with apt-get. So
sudo apt-get install python pip
Follow this to install mopidy http://mopidy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation/raspberrypi/#how-to-for-raspbian-jessie
also, add possible extensions here. -
configure it according to http://mopidy.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config/
start it and enable it (so that it autostarts) with
sudo systemctl enable mopidy
andsudo systemctl start mopidy
Then as an optional point, there are some scripts on the pimusic image that do some further tuning and modifying of pimusicbox that can be foun on the github page of it. https://github.com/pimusicbox/pimusicbox/tree/develop/filechanges/opt/musicbox
EDIT: the script startup.sh does thing such as starts shairport sync (for airplay) starts UPNP/DLNA, for example.
Hey @tot_rispekt,
Just curious if you knew the status of the next release of Pi Music Box? Maybe you could help @woutervanwijk and @kingosticks (and the rest of the team) and help create a newer image for them.
Is it possible to upgrade to Mopidy 2.0.0 on a PiMusicBox 0.6 installation without reinstalling from scratch?
Maybe, but it wont be easy.
Many of the extensions in PMB 0.6 do not work at all on mopidy 2.0. These would need to be updated manually anyway.