Rainbow Screen on boot

The Last PiMusicBox image was released in April 6th 2015, and is based on Raspbian Wheezy, and older no longer supported version of Raspbian. It does not therefore have the necessary firmware to boot RPi 3.

You have 3 options:

  1. Use some other OS like Volumio or Runeaudio.

  2. Copy the firmware files from the officially supported Raspbian to the PMB image. There is a thread on how to do this on rpi forums

  3. SInce PMB is essentially mopidy running on Raspbian, you can create your own new PMB. The official PMB image comes with mopidy 0.19, whereas the latest version is 2.0. The new version has more functionality and many fixes, so that is the best solution IMO. However, it require some work. For that, see this post: Pi MusicBox with Mopidy 2.0.0 and jessie