Will there be a new Pi MusicBox image? Or is it better to install Raspbian + Mopidy?

It’s been quite a while since the Pi MusicBox image was updated to version 0.6. I’ve been using 0.6 for a long time and it’s working quite well (except for some inconsistent behaviour with Spotify playlists), but the individual components like Mopidy in it are getting quite old. Also, it seems that the Pi3 isn’t fully supported by MusicBox 0.6.

Will there be an update to the MusicBox image for the Pi3 and the newer version of Mopidy or is it better to just make a clean install of Raspbian + Mopidy?

I’m currently using a Pi Zero in my Pi MusicBox radio but I’m considering updating it to a Pi2 or Pi3 to increase performance (responsiveness).

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The project isnt dead and I am working on a new version that’ll support everything properly. But if you are confident to install & configure mopidy + whatever else you want yourself then I suggest you do that, it’s not hard.

Pi2 is supported in 0.6 though if I remember correctly.


First of, great to hear there is an new version of MusicBox comming in the future. I have been enjoying it immensly for quite a while now and I can reccomend it to anyone with a Raspberry.

@Darkhelmet: You mentioned the inconsistent behavior with the Spotify playlists. As of 2 weeks ago i can no longer find my saved playlists on my premium Spotify accounts. I have reinstalled MusicBox from a fresh image (0.6) and used 2 different active accounts to check if that would make a difference but nothing seems to bring the playlists back.

I do not want to hijack this topic, but is there anyone who has a clue as to what is going on?

I have the same problem of no playlists with any fresh install of PiMusicbox.
Older cards that already have PiMusicbox on still work ok, but I did have a problem some time ago with the playlists disappearing and made some changes to them following the info in this post
Thanks to kingosticks who pointed me in the right direction from this post

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Thanks, great to hear that Pi MusicBox is alive! In the meantime, I’ll experiment with installing Raspbian Lite + Mopidy and extensions. So far, it works well on a separate Pi2 I had around. You’re right, it’s not hard but the Pi Musicbox image is so much more convenient :slight_smile:

Indeed great to read that an update is heading our way! For the Spotify playlists malfunctioning i posted a work-around on my blog: http://virtual.berrydejager.com/pimusicbox-not-showing-spotify-playlist-fixed/