I tried another sd card, and this seemed to fix the errors. Though there is a github issue that refers to fstab being overwritten.
I’ve now got PiMusicbox working on a pizero with an IQaudio zerodac
I’ve ignored the share settings in settings.ini and used fstab to mount my osx music share. my osx username has a space in, and this can be done in fstab using \040 for the space - it didn’t work in settings.ini
The first time I tried to use the new sd card I configured the IQaudio zerodac in settings, and got into a boot loop - i used the new setsound script described here Hifiberry amp2 continuous loop thru boot cycle and that got the audio card working and no subsequent loop.
It stutters a bit atm - but I’ll leave it for a while to scan my music. And I think the fstab entry can be refined.