Cannot reproduce working mount in Musicbox's settings.ini

Hello, I’ve read a lot of solution and tried a lot, so sorry if it was already answered.

I made the scan possible on my shared folder, by using the following command through ssh:

mount -t cifs  "//" /music/Network

It works if I add -o rw also.

It seems to break whenever I add the vers option. In which case depending on the vers it will have different errors:

  • vers=1.0 : Host is down
  • vers=2.0: permission denied
  • vers=3.0: permission denied

I changed my settings (through the web app) to only rw and when I rebooted I still received a permission denied.

So my question is, how can I translate this command:

mount -t cifs  "//" /music/Network

Inside my settings.ini file? I don’t understand which default value is overwritten by mopidy.

More info:
My folder is shared on a Windows 10, It is accessible with a guest user.