I installed Pi Musicbox on a Pi 1 model B and I’m really impressed! Airplay works fine, also searching and playing from Spotify. However, the playlist tab is empty. Pasting a Spotify URI in streams work, but I can’t see my playlists in the UI. I’ve tried going through old threads about this but haven’t really found anything that seems relevant…
In /var/lib/mopidy/spotify/Users//playlist.bnk they are all there…
Deleted /var/lib/modipy/spotify and restarted and now it works…
Thanks for the tip. Worked for me too.
Aaaaand they’re gone again… Debugging time!
Have you tried this, it worked for me
Hi Robert,
had the same problem, did TheRealMolens trick and now it works like charm.
So if this is still a problem for you here are the steps:
login to to your musicbox by ssh
cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mopidy_spotify/
(if it’s not there on your musicbox you will find it by using “find . -name session_manager.py”)
nano session_manager.py
scroll down to
" def refresh_playlists(self):
""“Refresh the playlists in the backend with data from Spotify”""
if not self…
Thanks, I’ll try that. They’ve magically reappeared now btw…
If it solves the problem it’s thanks to kingosticks for pointing me in the right direction a couple of weeks ago.
I wondered if that was the case, thanks for confirming.
But please note this is only the case on PiMusicbox 0.6 (and earlier). Normally, running mopidy as a system service will use config in /etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf and running mopidy as your user will use config in ~/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf as per the docs . On PiMusicbox I think both locations link to the same file, I think this is an attempt to avoid confusion and help debugging.
As a long time PiMusicbox user I’m quite surprised you’ve …