Two network questions

Hi, I have two networking questions…

  1. Can I disable file sharing so that I don’t see network shares on my other computers (see attached screenshot).

35 PM

  1. Is it possible to add a password to the AirPlay server in MusicBox? I looked in the settings.ini but didn’t see anything.



I think the “.local” extension stands for zeroconf devices. So you could just try to disable zeroconf.
On Debian:
systemctl disable avahi-daemon
As mentioned below, disabling zeroconf is quite a no go, even if you use correct method for Wheezy. It will indeed avoid to reach PiMusicBox using its zeroconf name :confused:

If this listed share is Samba, use update-rc.d to remove Samba daemon:
update-rc.d smbd remove

As I don’t use Airport I can’t help but @kingosticks replied here to shairport-sync password issue:

  1. I’m not sure. Disabling zeroconf is rather drastic and since Pi Musicbox is still using Wheezy, that systemd command to disable avahi won’t work anyway. I would guess there is probably something in the samba config that controls the advertising.

  2. All shairport-sync config is now defined in /etc/shairport-sync.conf and it includes somewhere to set a password.

Looks like using
browseable = no
in samba conf file should do the trick.

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