the “Music” directory on the SDCard is automatically made available via network share which is very handy for copying music to the raspi.
However, an attached USB stick is not shared.
Is this configurable somewhere?
the “Music” directory on the SDCard is automatically made available via network share which is very handy for copying music to the raspi.
However, an attached USB stick is not shared.
Is this configurable somewhere?
Hi @jochen,
did you tried to reboot after adding files?
Yes, I have rebooted several times in the meantime.
Songs from USB can be accessed from the web interface without problems. Just not via a remote computer.
Did you solve this?
In volumio, this was possible by default, I had some photos which I could browse, but all I get is the Music folder like you.
EDIT: the folder is visible along with my music files via the browser option from the web interface, so my usb drive is mounted and accessible.
I had the same problem when I tried to upload ripped CDs from a Windows system. Edit the file /etc/samba/smb.conf and under the section [Music] change the line “path = /music/MusicBox” to “path = /music/USB”. Also, in the same section add the line “force user = root”. Then reboot.
Awesome thanks
I’ve just set mine to /music so I can access everything.