I am wondering where does musicbox-webclient get Album artworks? From Last.fm?
I think we use a combination of calls to Mopidy’s get_images function and also last.fm for anything missing. But I’d have to check the code as I don’t remember to be honest. You could also check the source code if you need to know urgently.
In fact, it’s really obvious thanks to the wonderful work of @jcass77
images.lastFM.album.getInfo(params, {success: function (data) {
}, error: function (code, message) {
albumPromise.reject(code, message)
return albumPromise
* Sets an HTML image element to contain the album cover art of the relevant Mopidy track.
* Potential sources for the album image will be interrogated in the following order until
* a suitable image URI is found:
* 1.) mopidy.library.getImages
* 2.) mopidy.models.Track.album.images (DEPRECATED)
* 3.) last.fm using the album MusicBrainz ID
* 4.) last.fm using the album name and track artist name
* 5.) last.fm using the album name and album artist name
* 6.) a default image
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