Web frontends like Mopidy-Muse, how to configure on headless system?

I have mopidy running on a headless Raspberry Pi and I’m looking for a ‘comfortable’ client.

One possibility is a web client like Mopidy-Muse but I’m rather confused about how this works. I think it should be installed on the same system as Mopidy but then how do you connect to it as Mopidy is listening on port 6680 and mopidy-mpd is listening on 6600.

If someone could point me at a basic configuration for Mopidy-Muse that would be very welcome!

Mopidy web extensions such as Mopidy-Muse are extensions to Mopidy and so must be installed on the same system as Mopidy. Mopidy-Muse is a web extension, so it would be accessed via port 6680. It has nothing to do with Mopidy-MPD on port 6600.

But Mopidy itself defaults to using port 6680, doesn’t that clash with
Mopidy-muse or does Mopidy-muse take over the interface?

Mopidy-Muse isn’t an HTTP server listening on a port. It’s a web application served by Mopidy.

Once you’ll have installed Mopidy-Muse extension, you’ll be able to fetch Muse code using a web browser visiting the URL of Mopidy.

In other words, Mopidy-Muse extends the web interface.

If you visit port 6680 in your browser, the default page there is a list of all webclients installed with a link to each one. There’s also a mopidy config option to change the default page to take you straight to you preferred client instead. As mentioned, Mopidy extensions extend Mopidy.

Ah, OK, I understand now. It wasn’t clear (to me anyway) from the
descriptions I could find.

To be fair, Mopidy Web clients don’t technically need to be Mopidy Extensions. It’s just they usually (always?) are because it is much simpler for everyone that way. I’m not sure where would be a good place to make this clearer but if you have any suggestions please do let us know and happy to improve the docs.

What are the most up-to-date web clients taht are still being maintained and are there more that are not listed on the Mopidy web page? As quite a few from that list don’t appear to have had recent updates.

Argos is a maintained client not mentioned on the web page (but it’s not a web client… I apologize for this slightly off-topic answer; Disclaimer: I am the maintainer).

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You can fix that…! Propose a new section if it doesn’t fit.


Thanks, I looked at this earlier actually, I am running almost all of my items headless so this doesn’t work for me at the moment. Although it did look interesting - I might try this on one of my tablets so I don’t have to run it in kiosk mode.

I am not sure I understand. Argos, like almost any client, can run localy or remotely. Why the server being headless matters then?

“Headless” means without display, right?

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