The Mopidy-MFE extension has undergone many changes recently and is rapidly becoming a full-featured Mopidy client. Aside from an overall design upgrade, MFE now features far better support for devices or desktops with varying screen sizes and orientations, and more featured play controls in Now Playing view. A full list of changes can be viewed at the project page.
To install:
pip install Mopidy-MFE
To upgrade:
pip install Mopidy-MFE --upgrade
I installed this on my musicbox.
What is the url/port I need to use?
Will it interfere with the default site from musicbox?
Thank you.
Hi Vampie. I should have mentioned this above, but MFE requires Mopidy v1.0 or greater to operate. As the current release of pimusicbox uses v0.19, it is not compatible.
Unless you really need some of the specialised features of pimusicbox, I’d personally recommend grabbing the jessie lite version of Raspbian and installing mopidy and the extensions you desire from command line. It’s not particularly difficult, and there’s a huge community out there to help you out if you get stuck along the way. Good luck!
Thank you.
I especially want to use Spotify. And some music from an attached USB Hard drive.
It looks like a nice challenge for me.
But it is still not clear how to connect to the MFE client. 
I installed it and it is all getting clear now how to connect to the client 
Once you have Mopidy and its extensions configured, you can access web clients using your raspberry pi’s IP address and the configured port for the http frontend (default is 6680). Your path to MFE will look something like:
You’ll probably want to configure your rpi to connect to a static ip address so that your path won’t change every time you reboot your pi. This page has a pretty good guide for doing so from command line.
Also remember, if you want to access mopidy web clients from devices other than the rpi mopidy is installed on, you will need to change the “hostname” config value in the http section of your config file. This page from the Mopidy docs should help.
Updated to 0.4.5 today.
Fixes quite a few bugs and visual quirks. I also rewrote most of the caching and image grabbing services, so they should be quite a bit faster and more robust. Full change log is at the GitHub repo.
Install/upgrade instructions are in the original post.