I want to search for podcast streams by using the ‘Search’ button in musicbox.
By clicking the Search lens the seach site opens and then i select 'All service’
Now when entering the search topic and klicking ‘Search!’ it will always find nothing.
The only thing what can be found are mp3 files stored locally on the sdcard of the Pi.
Everything else will not be found here.
When i use my smartphone with the APP 'M.A.L.P.seach within this app works. I tried several web clients for Modipy but all the same. Only Smartphone app works.
However, this turned out to be more trouble than it’s worth, so the whole concept of “subscribed” feeds was dropped in mopidy-podcast v2, and with it the search functionality (which wasn’t very good at finding stuff, anyway).
To be able to search for podcasts (in the sense that most people seem to expect), you probably want to use mopidy-podcast-itunes as @kingosticks already suggested.
BTW, changed topic from “Pi MusicBox” to “Mopidy”, since only the MusicBox Web client is used, anything else seems to be a vanilla Mopidy installation AFAICS.
I have marked the search lens which i used.
When i enter search item (example: HERE) in this field and press ‘Enter’ the next page shows the result which is usally nothing.
“Have you also installed mopidy-podcast-itunes and are you actually talking about searching podcasts on itunes?”
No i do not use itunes. I just use the ‘mopidy-podcast’ extension.
“To be able to search for podcasts (in the sense that most people seem to expect), you probably want to use mopidy-podcast-itunes as @kingosticks already suggested.”
I have no account at itunes. You mean the this extension work for me also without apple account ??