Hi KO,
Thanks a lot for your reply. It also did cost me about a day but I got it working as Mopidy.
I have been trying and in the end I am now working with the latest Mopidy with musicbox on the Pi3.
Musicbox crashed some times on my Pi2, this runs really smoothly.
With all the trial and error I have no need for the settings of musicbox anymore.
Also some playlist-bugs are gone which I really like
I did use Jesse Lite as I do almost everything using SSH.
For anyone wanting to get this working. Please find some instructions below
1. You need to add this to the config.txt file while the MicroSD is in the cardreader:
Without it you will not get past the rainbow-screen
(the “dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt” might not be necessary anymore)
2. Put the correct line for your hifiberry in the (same) config.txt-file
https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/articles/205377651-Configuring-Linux-4-x-or-higher (do not test sound)
3. Setup settings of linux
(Default username: pi, password: raspberry)
You cannot do this using a remote computer as SSH is not yet enabled
Enter “sudo raspi-config” from the command line
Expand the file system to fill the SD card.
Change the password of the pi user.
Change the time zone.
Under “Advanced Options”:
Set a hostname.
Enable SSH if not already enabled.
Once done, select “Finish” and restart your Pi.
4. Configure ALSA
https://support.hifiberry.com/hc/en-us/articles/205377651-Configuring-Linux-4-x-or-higher2 (second instruction)
Now restart your Pi (sudo reboot)
5. Test the sound with sox (second instruction on page)
6. Install Python by entering the following commands
(I couldn’t find the instructions I used but I think it were the following:)
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential
7. Install Mopidy using below instructions
Include the add-ons you wish to use and don’t forget mopidy-musicbox-webclient
8. Configure Mopidy and it’s plugins
This took me some time and I do not know all the steps anymore. Below text needs to be in the configfile:
mixer = software
output = alsasink
For me it appeared to be difficult to find the location and modify the config file and get it running.
I forgot to note it down so it might have been a bit different:
- Start mopidy: sudo mopidy (might not work well with incorrect settings)
- Modify the settings file if needed ./root/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf)
- When the setup is working, end mopidy (ctrl-c) and copy mopidy.conf to ./etc/mopidy/
- Let it start as a service at reboot using sudo systemctl enable mopidy
(For testing it is the easiest to have web-services installed https://docs.mopidy.com/en/latest/ext/web/#ext-web)
(Remember the default port is 6680 so you need to enter that on the webpage i.e. http://192.x.x.x:6680)
I hope I didn’t leave anything out. Enjoy the music!