Podcasts integration into webinterface


I’m trying to figure out how to integrate my podcast library into Mopidy and have been looking at the Mopidy-Podcast extension.

I can’t however figure out whether the only way to integrate the separate podcasts is to have them get organized together with My Music collection?
Does anyone know if it is possible to have a “Podcasts” list item e.g. in the left hand web interface menu that only shows my podcasts. Or do I need to have all music and podcast presented in the “Album” and “Tracks” list items under “My Music”?

This last method of mixing music and podcasts seems a bit strange to me.

Thanks in advance!

Mopidy treats podcasts just like any other audio and it doesn’t get a dedicated Podcast section. Some clients do treat some extensions differently with special features and you might find one that treats Mopidy-Podcast differently and exposes it as you want. I don’t know of any such client.

However, if your client supports Mopidy’s browsing interface then you should find a section where each extension is broken out separately and presented like a filesystem. That would be the best way to use something like Mopidy-Podcast.

Thanks for the answer, though it is a shame it is not possible at present.

I’ll see if I can find my way around to the feature request section and make a post - or support an existing one. I believe dedicated sections for music and podcasts are important.

Best of luck. But like I said, I think most people are served just fine by the virtual filesystem browsing interface. Your feature would ideally explain why that doesn’t suffice .

Good feedback. Will make sure to emphasize that.

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