Podcast Subscription

I am trying to save my podcasts subscription in the settings.ini as mentioned here http://mopidy-podcast.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html for some reason it is not getting recognized. any help much appreciated.

Hello Krishna,
normally subscribed podcasts are shown under Browse > Podcasts > Subscribed Feeds.
Did you refresh your browser (Ctrl + F5)?
You also can store them another way (/opt/webclient/js/streamuris.js)

Hi Raspi,
Thanks for the help. I got it working by using the exact template on the http://mopidy-podcast.readthedocs.org/en/latest/config.html. But this seems to be quite unstable. Most of the time i can see the subscribed podcasts but certain times after reboot i get “Could not load ini file! Parsing failed with several errors. First error at line 189.” which is exactly the starting line of - feeds = in the ini file. any idea why this instability. I have around 40 subscriptions is it too much ?


Could you perhaps share the config in question? Without that we would just be guessing.

Did you manage to resolve this?
I am getting the same error.
I added this to the config.ini

# -----------
# | Podcast |
# -----------
# https://github.com/tkem/mopidy-podcast
# Play podcasts from different sources
# Note: You cannot add settings for [podcast-itunes] or [podcast-gpodder]
# because it breaks the startup script (won't read dashes in section names
enabled = true

# maximum number of browse results
browse_limit = 100

# maximum number of search results
search_limit = 20

# whether to return fully detailed search results; if set to "off",
# only name and URI will be returned for increased performance
search_details = off

# directory update interval in seconds
update_interval = 86400

# an optional list of podcast RSS feed URLs to subscribe to; URLs need
# to be seperated by commas or newlines
feeds =

# user-friendly name for browsing subscribed RSS feeds
feeds_root_name = Subscribed Feeds

# number of RSS feeds to cache
feeds_cache_size = 32

# feeds cache time-to-live in seconds
feeds_cache_ttl = 3600

# HTTP request timeout in seconds
feeds_timeout = 10

I can see and play the subscribed Podcast in Brows → Podcasts → Subscribed Podcasts.
Howeever when I open the Setting menu I get this error message:

Could not load ini file! Invalid line (u’http://www.radioeins.de/archiv/podcast/zwei_alte_hasen.feed.podcast.xml’) (matched as neither section nor keyword) at line 177.

Which also has the result that I can no longer change some of the setting via the webinterface.

Could the problem be that this podcast is an iTunes Podcast? Because the link in the toutorial: http://www.npr.org/rss/podcast.php?id=510019 is working.

# Note: You cannot add settings for [podcast-itunes] or [podcast-gpodder]
# because it breaks the startup script (won't read dashes in section names

So basically I cant use iTunes podcasts this way?

Hope you can help me

Hi Paul,

Subscribed Podcast is very unreliable even now on pimusic box. the only
solution i got is to have only 2 or 3 subscription.



The websettings is pretty rough around the edges and it probably doesn’t handle any URL in the feeds option. You could try putting it in quotation marks but I am only guessing, might not help at all. Please file an issue at https://github.com/woutervanwijk/mopidy-websettings

@Paul_Luap, it looks like you have an extra empty line between feeds = and your URL. Please try removing that.

So I got it to work by removing the new line and separating the URLs by a comma:

feeds = http://www.radioeins.de/archiv/podcast/zwei_alte_hasen.feed.podcast.xml , http://rss.dw-world.de/xml/podcast_Wissenschaft , http://rss.dw-world.de/xml/podcast_projekt-zukunft

Thanks for updating this.