I erroneously thought Mopidy wasn’t sending output to alsasink until I turned on my HDMI device. Turns out “aplay -l” enumerates four cards, HDMI 1, HDMI 2, headphones, and my Hifiberry audio device. I get output from gsi-launch-1.0 from my Hifiberry. It just works!
How can I configure Mopidy to use the right Alsa card?
Am I asking the wrong question b/c it’s Alsa that needs to be configured? (Does user pi look for alsa config somewhere other than where user mopidy looks for it?)
You’re onto something here. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a mopidy config issue. I did as you instructed and it didn’t help, BUT I went further and ran these tests:
You can use aplay -L (big L) to get the actual device name to use. Using device name is better than device indexes as indexes may change as you add/remove other audio devices.