Configuration help required for the GNU/Linux community

Hello Mopidy community

I am currently writing a series of articles at about music streamers: Serie: Musik-Streamer - Intro - GNU/
Part of this series is an article about Mopidy: (to be published on Monday, March 11, at 9 am). The article is in German, please use a translation service to read it.

The article describes my failure to configure Mopidy. I think Mopidy is an important application when it comes to streaming directly from the source to the speakers.

I really want to write a guide for the installation of Mopidy that can be understood and implemented by beginners. I would therefore be delighted to receive support from the Mopidy community. As you can read in the article above, there are probably only a few small things that prevent Mopidy from working properly on my Raspberry Pi 4.

If anyone would like to support me, I would be very happy. Not for me, but for the GNU/Linux community.

Many thanks in advance

Thanks for taking the time to write about our project. We’d prefer it if you linked to using our install instructions rather than providing your own. Yours do not provide the best experience, given the version of Mopidy from Debian’s apt repository is usually old and outdated. That’s your decision to make but others should follow our guidance and documentation.

Your problem installing non-apt Python packages system-wide is a relatively new Python policy. Lots of projects are struggling with this. The solution we are suggesting is to use --break-system-packages e.g.

sudo python3 -m pip install --break-system-packages mopidy-iris

We are coming up to a major new release so the documentation is currently not perfect. But next time please considering searching on here first because this answer is already provided in a few posts.

I am afraid I don’t understand the rest of your post so I can’t help further. I had to use a translation service because I don’t understand German and that’s beyond the level of support you can expect from me. If you have further specific questions, please ask in English. Alternatively, you could try searching on this support forum for existing answers, of which there are many.

Also, please be more realistic about the level of support that an OSS project run by volunteers is going to provide you. You claim that “nobody wanted to help” (or whatever that German says) after only waiting 12 hours, and failing to find the answers already on this forum. By all means ask for help, but please try and help yourself first.

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Thank you very much for your help. I followed the official documentation on how to install Mopidy and the extensions. The missing link was
After applying your suggested command, Iris runs like a charm.

When I wrote “nobody wanted to help”, I didn’t mean the Mopidy-Discourse-Forum, but my GNU/Linux community. This was a misunderstanding.

Anyway, I have further need for support:

  1. Mopidy does not play any audio output, whereas MPD does.
  2. Mopidy throws a lot of errors and warnings. Any hint, how to fix this?
● mopidy.service - Mopidy music server
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mopidy.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-03-12 17:57:01 CET; 22min ago
    Process: 23279 ExecStartPre=/bin/mkdir -p /var/cache/mopidy (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
    Process: 23281 ExecStartPre=/bin/chown mopidy:audio /var/cache/mopidy (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   Main PID: 23282 (mopidy)
      Tasks: 12 (limit: 4915)
        CPU: 4.928s
     CGroup: /system.slice/mopidy.service
             └─23282 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/mopidy --config /usr/share/mopidy/conf.d:/etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf

Mär 12 18:00:39 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: INFO     [Thread-11] mopidy_iris.system Running system action 'restart'
Mär 12 18:00:39 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: ERROR    [Thread-11] mopidy_iris.system Password-less access to file:///usr/local/lib/python3.11/dist-packages/mopidy_iris/ was refused. Ch>
Mär 12 18:01:14 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: WARNING  [FileBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.file.library Failed looking up file:///mnt/nas/Musik: gst-resource-error-quark: "/mnt/nas/Musik" is a >
Mär 12 18:01:14 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: WARNING  [FileBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.file.library Failed looking up file:///mnt/nas/Musik: gst-resource-error-quark: "/mnt/nas/Musik" is a >
Mär 12 18:01:19 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: WARNING  [FileBackend-4 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.file.library Failed looking up file:///mnt/nas/Musik/A fine Frenzy/One Cell In The Sea: gst-resource-e>
Mär 12 18:18:36 raspi4 mopidy[23282]: ERROR    [Core-7 (_actor_loop)] mopidy.core.library FileBackend backend returned bad data: Expected a SearchResult instance, not []
  1. I’ve installed ‘mopidy-qobuz’ and added it to the config file, but Qobuz does not show up in Iris.

Thank you for helping

Thanks for clarifying. Misunderstandings are easy when there’s a language mismatch.

But I am afraid I need more information regarding your audio problem, I didn’t understand this part of the translated version of your blog post. The normal problems are related to audio device permissions. Are you sure none of the existing posts on here don’t solve your problem?

I can’t help with Iris specific errors. I don’t use Iris and it’s an extension provided by someone else.

The warning messages are clearly cut-off, you need to provide a log. The systemd service summary isnt enough. Warning messages might not matter, depending what they are (I can’t see).

That error can be safely ignored.

I don’t use mopidy-qobuz so I don’t know. I do know that not all extensions are supported by Iris. You could try posting on their issue tracker.

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