Youtube Stream Problem

Hi there.
I am using MusicBox.So i tried Youtube streaming-i pasted the stream link in the Streams Section.It was just saying “sync” for 10 minutes.Then i downloaded one radio so i can see the src code and i got it.When i pasted it it started after 2 seconds.Why?My Youtube Stream is allowed

Can you run this by me again, I really do not understand. Also, please give examples.

Right now I’m listening to music from radiostation source.When I try to listen to music from YouTube it just says (sync) next to the progress bar on the “Now Playing” section.My radiostation just stopped and i saw that on the site it says (sync) again.Why my YouTube songs are not starting?

There is no example provided.

What example do you want?

The youtube URI. They do not all use the same encoding. Some of those encodings are not supported, as found in existing threads on this forum.

Let’s say Some Alan Walker : .It is not working on my Pi!

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