Here’s what I’ve just done:
I’ve chkdsk’d the offending hard drive (currently FAT32 formatted using gparted) to make sure the filesystem had no problems on a Windows machine, then when it was done I’ve shut it down gracefully. Then I’ve cleared the log file, plugged in the hard drive and turned on the musicbox. After waiting enough so that it would boot (with library scanning enabled, it oddly didn’t scan for the files) Then I’ve went into Browse -> Files -> USB
(wasn’t in USB-HDD atm for some reason). This is what happened after entering the one folder containing the music inside the HDD’s root (it happens right after entering it, and there are like, maybe 60 or 70 folders and some files in it, don’t know how to count them using the terminal over ssh):
If i simply wait for it to reach, it goes back one directory (the root) while in the first music folder inside the root, i can still browse one more folder. Then, it won’t take it anymore and drop into ECONNREFUSED.
I can still ssh and browse the filsystem within this just fine, so I’m gonna cp the log file into /music, then grab it from SMB and post it here. whew
One more thing: while trying to browse the offending folders that eventually bring down the web client, the system doesn’t show up anything unusual when running htop over SSH to check resource usage (at most, i get 3% CPU usage in one core, not even 80MB of RAM in use) so it doesn’t seem like an overload problem either.
Also, after a while the webclient does restart and it works without me having to bring the machine down (this problem still being present). Although I think it takes less time to simply reboot it using this switch I have on the USB cable…
Edit: I’ve found that it seems to happen in MPD as well (i’ve tried using ncmpcpp instead of mopidy’s webclient just to see if i could get some music working but same result, after browsing into the music collection itself blurts an instant connection refused). I have been using ncmpcpp + mpd + mpdas on my main PC running debian and had no issues whatsoever with this same collection (albeit in a different hard drive, but thats that).
Edit 2: Success!.. using standard mpd. after making an audio output for the headphone jack and copying this edited mpd.conf to the home directory of the user, then running mpd and ncmpcpp, the hard drive works perfectly fine! sadly i don’t get any of the nice features of mopidy’s webclient like those nice radio streams and scrobbling (mpdas didn’t want to compile on the pi for some odd reason). both mopidy and mpd+ncmpcpp seem to work just fine! as long as I switch back and forth. But at least I’ve got some way of using my hard drive as intended until we have a fix with mopidy.
I hope this testing was useful.
Thanks again for this system I really love it. And for your support.