Trouble setting up Mopidy on Raspberry Pi 4


I am having difficulty trying to set up Mopidy with Snapcast to have synchronous audio in multiple rooms. I have been following multiple guides on MagPi Magazine and after many hours of hair-pulling and searching, I just cannot figure it out. I am hoping someone can help.

Guides are here:

I set up Mopidy on my Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB) that I also have Home Assistant running in a Docker container from the IotStack project on this same Pi.

My music is from a SMB share from an external USB hard drive attached to my DD-WRT router. I have this folder auto mount in fstab. It mounts to /home/pi/Music

I was able (with a lot of dicciculty) to scan the media folder and get my music added in Mopidy and I can see it in Iris when i go to Browse–>Local Media.

I set up snapserver and snapclient on the Pi 4 that is running Mopidy.
I set up Snapclient on a raspberry Pi Zero W
I can see all these clients under the snapcast settings in Iris.

When I add a list of songs to the now playing list and go to Now Playing and press play, nothing plays. It seems that it plays 4 seconds of silence and then restarts. Also, If I ahve consume selected, it consumes the entire playlist as soon as i press play and then starts playing the 4 seconds of silence repeatedly. I have no idea what I’m missing.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Mopidy Config:
Running “/usr/bin/mopidy --config /usr/share/mopidy/conf.d:/etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf config” as user root
cache_dir = /var/cache/mopidy
config_dir = /etc/mopidy
data_dir = /var/lib/mopidy
max_tracklist_length = 10000
restore_state = false

verbosity = 0
format = %(levelname)-8s [%(threadName)s] %(name)s %(message)s
color = false
config_file =

mixer = software
mixer_volume =
output = audioresample ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo
buffer_time =

scheme =
hostname =
port =
username =
password =

enabled = false ; Extension disabled by user config.

enabled = true
max_search_results = 100
media_dir = /home/pi/Music/
scan_timeout = 3000
scan_flush_threshold = 100
scan_follow_symlinks = false
included_file_extensions =
excluded_file_extensions =
directories =
Albums local:directory?type=album
Artists local:directory?type=artist
Composers local:directory?type=artist&role=composer
Genres local:directory?type=genre
Performers local:directory?type=artist&role=performer
Release Years local:directory?type=date&format=%25Y
Tracks local:directory?type=track
Last Week’s Updates local:directory?max-age=604800
Last Month’s Updates local:directory?max-age=2592000
timeout = 10
use_artist_sortname = false
album_art_files =

enabled = true
country = NZ
locale = en_NZ
spotify_authorization_url =
lastfm_authorization_url =
genius_authorization_url =
data_dir = $XDG_DATA_DIR/iris

enabled = true
media_dirs =
excluded_file_extensions =
show_dotfiles = false
follow_symlinks = false
metadata_timeout = 1000

enabled = true
hostname =
port = 6680
zeroconf = Mopidy HTTP server on $hostname
allowed_origins =
csrf_protection = true
default_app = mopidy

enabled = true
base_dir =
default_encoding = latin-1
default_extension = .m3u8
playlists_dir =

enabled = true

enabled = true
protocols =
metadata_blacklist =
timeout = 5000

Mopidy Deps
Executable: /usr/bin/mopidy
Platform: Linux-5.10.17-v7l±armv7l-with-debian-10.9
Python: CPython 3.7.3 from /usr/lib/python3.7
Mopidy: 3.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-MPD: 3.1.0 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
setuptools: 40.8.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy: 3.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Local: 3.2.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
uritools: 3.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
setuptools: 40.8.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy: 3.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Mopidy-Iris: 3.57.4 from /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages
Mopidy: 3.1.1 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
setuptools: 40.8.0 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
Pykka: 2.0.3 from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages
GStreamer: from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi
Detailed information:
Python wrapper: python-gi 3.30.4
Relevant elements:
Not found:

What does the log say? Are there any errors while Mopidy is starting, or when you try to play a track?

Here is what the log shows but I don’t know what it means

If I run “Mopidy -v”:

INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,131 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.main
Starting Mopidy 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,143 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: mpd = mopidy_mpd:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,148 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-MPD 3.1.0
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,148 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: local = mopidy_local:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,185 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-Local 3.2.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,186 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: iris = mopidy_iris:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,187 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-Iris 3.57.4
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,195 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: file = mopidy.file:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,196 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-File 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,196 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: http = mopidy.http:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,197 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-HTTP 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,197 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: m3u = mopidy.m3u:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,198 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-M3U 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,198 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: softwaremixer = mopidy.softwaremixer:Extension
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,199 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-SoftwareMixer 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,199 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loading entry point: stream =
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,200 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Loaded extension: Mopidy-Stream 3.1.1
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,207 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Discovered extensions: mpd, local, iris, file, http, m3u, softwaremixer, stream
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,212 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.config.keyring
Fetching passwords from your keyring failed. Any passwords stored in the keyring will not be available. (org.freedesktop.secrets service not running)
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,213 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from builtin defaults
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,216 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from file:///etc/xdg/mopidy/mopidy.conf failed; it does not exist
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,217 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from file:///home/pi/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,218 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from command line options
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,235 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: mpd
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,323 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: local
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,380 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: iris
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,441 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: file
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,442 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: http
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,582 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: m3u
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,583 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: softwaremixer
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,584 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.ext
Validating extension: stream
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,584 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.main
Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, http, stream, iris, file, mpd, m3u, local
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,585 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.main
Disabled extensions: none
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,908 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Available Mopidy mixers: SoftwareMixer
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,909 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,912 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Mixer volume left unchanged
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,913 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy audio
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,917 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy backends: LocalBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,941 [9393:Audio-2]
Audio output set to “autoaudiosink”
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,966 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy core
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,980 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy frontends: MpdFrontend, IrisFrontend, HttpFrontend
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,982 [9393:MainThread]
MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,985 [9393:IrisFrontend-9] mopidy_iris.core
Starting Iris 3.57.4
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,986 [9393:MainThread]
Starting HTTP server
ERROR 2021-04-06 15:41:27,992 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Frontend (HttpFrontend) initialization error: HTTP server startup failed: [Errno 98] Address already in use
INFO 2021-04-06 15:41:27,994 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting GLib mainloop
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:41:27,998 [9393:MpdFrontend-8] mopidy.zeroconf
Zeroconf service ‘Mopidy MPD server on iotStack’ (_mpd._tcp at []:6600): Published
Interrupted. Exiting…
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,124 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Stopping Mopidy frontends
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,125 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of MpdFrontend
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,131 [9393:MpdFrontend-8] mopidy.zeroconf
Zeroconf service ‘Mopidy MPD server on iotStack’ (_mpd._tcp at []:6600): Unpublished
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,133 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of IrisFrontend
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,136 [9393:IrisFrontend-9] mopidy_iris.core
Stopping Iris
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,137 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 0 instance(s) of HttpFrontend
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,138 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Stopping Mopidy core
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,140 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of Core
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,142 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Stopping Mopidy backends
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,143 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of LocalBackend
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,147 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of FileBackend
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,158 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of M3UBackend
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,161 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of StreamBackend
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,163 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Stopping Mopidy audio
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,164 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of Audio
INFO 2021-04-06 15:43:50,169 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Stopping Mopidy mixer
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,170 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
Stopping 1 instance(s) of SoftwareMixer
DEBUG 2021-04-06 15:43:50,172 [9393:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
All actors stopped.

However, I am running Mopidy as a service so I can also try using “sudojournalctl -u mopidy”:

– Logs begin at Mon 2021-04-05 19:17:01 EDT, end at Tue 2021-04-06 15:43:52 EDT. –
Apr 05 19:50:52 iotStack systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server…
Apr 05 19:50:52 iotStack systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Starting Mopidy 3.1.1
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy-local.conf
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
Apr 05 19:51:02 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
Apr 05 19:51:03 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Enabled extensions: local, m3u, softwaremixer, file, stream, http, iris
Apr 05 19:51:03 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Disabled extensions: mpd
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: LocalBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, HttpFrontend
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [IrisFrontend-8] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.57.4
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [HttpFrontend-10] HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
Apr 05 19:51:06 iotStack mopidy[720]: INFO [Audio-2] Audio output set to "audioresample ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! filesink

Well, it doesn’t look like there are any errors while the service is starting up. I assume the error when you run mopidy is because it’s already running as a service.

What happens when you try to play a track? You should see some more output in the logs.
If it’s a Mopidy-related problem, hopefully you’ll see the error. If not then it’s probably a problem with the Snapcast setup.

It may be best to just use Mopidy to begin with and, when you’ve got that working, add Snapcast into the setup.


It seems that there are a multitude of errors but I’m not sure what is causing it or how to fix it.

– Logs begin at Thu 2019-02-14 05:11:59 EST, end at Wed 2021-04-07 21:03:05 EDT. –
Apr 07 21:00:32 iotStack systemd[1]: Starting Mopidy music server…
Apr 07 21:00:32 iotStack systemd[1]: Started Mopidy music server.
Apr 07 21:00:41 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Starting Mopidy 3.1.1
Apr 07 21:00:41 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from builtin defaults
Apr 07 21:00:41 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///usr/share/mopidy/conf.d/mopidy.conf
Apr 07 21:00:41 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from file:///etc/mopidy/mopidy.conf
Apr 07 21:00:41 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.config Loading config from command line options
Apr 07 21:00:43 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Enabled extensions: softwaremixer, stream, iris, local, file, http, m3u
Apr 07 21:00:43 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.main Disabled extensions: mpd
Apr 07 21:00:46 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
Apr 07 21:00:46 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy audio
Apr 07 21:00:46 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy backends: LocalBackend, FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend
Apr 07 21:00:46 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [Audio-2] Audio output set to “audioresample ! audioconvert ! audio/x-raw,rate=48000,channels=2,format=S16LE ! wavenc ! filesink location=/tmp/snapfifo”
Apr 07 21:00:51 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy core
Apr 07 21:00:51 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting Mopidy frontends: IrisFrontend, HttpFrontend
Apr 07 21:00:51 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [IrisFrontend-8] mopidy_iris.core Starting Iris 3.57.5
Apr 07 21:00:51 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [HttpFrontend-10] HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
Apr 07 21:00:51 iotStack mopidy[674]: INFO [MainThread] mopidy.commands Starting GLib mainloop
Apr 07 21:01:15 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [LocalBackend-3] mopidy_local.library Lookup error for local:directory: Invalid lookup URI
Apr 07 21:01:22 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [LocalBackend-3] mopidy_local.library Lookup error for local:directory?type=album: Invalid lookup URI
Apr 07 21:01:50 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:50 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:50 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ackrite.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ackrite.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bang Bang.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:57 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bang%20Bang.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bar One.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bar%20One.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Big Ego’s.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Big%20Ego%27s.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bitch Niggaz.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bitch%20Niggaz.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ed-Ucation.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ed-Ucation.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre - (featuring Eminem).mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Forgot%20About%20Dre%20-%20%28featuring%20Eminem%29.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Housewife.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Housewife.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Let’s Get High.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Let%27s%20Get%20High.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Light Speed.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Light%20Speed.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Lolo (Intro).mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Lolo%20%28Intro%29.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Murder Ink.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Murder%20Ink.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Pause 4 Porno.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Pause%204%20Porno.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Some L.A. Niggaz.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Some%20L.A.%20Niggaz.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E…mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Still%20D.R.E…mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Car Bomb.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Car%20Bomb.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Message.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Message.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Next Episode.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Next%20Episode.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Watcher.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Watcher.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - What’s The Difference.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20What%27s%20The%20Difference.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Xxplosive.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Xxplosive.mp3
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - You.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:01:58 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20You.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:11 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [LocalBackend-3] mopidy_local.library Lookup error for local:directory: Invalid lookup URI
Apr 07 21:02:13 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [LocalBackend-3] mopidy_local.library Lookup error for local:directory?type=album: Invalid lookup URI
Apr 07 21:02:18 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:18 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ackrite.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:18 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ackrite.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bang Bang.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bang%20Bang.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bar One.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bar%20One.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Big Ego’s.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Big%20Ego%27s.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Bitch Niggaz.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Bitch%20Niggaz.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ed-Ucation.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Ed-Ucation.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre - (featuring Eminem).mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Forgot%20About%20Dre%20-%20%28featuring%20Eminem%29.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Housewife.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Housewife.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Let’s Get High.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Let%27s%20Get%20High.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Light Speed.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:20 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Light%20Speed.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Lolo (Intro).mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Lolo%20%28Intro%29.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Murder Ink.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Murder%20Ink.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Pause 4 Porno.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Pause%204%20Porno.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Some L.A. Niggaz.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Some%20L.A.%20Niggaz.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E…mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Still%20D.R.E…mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Car Bomb.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Car%20Bomb.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Message.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Message.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Next Episode.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Next%20Episode.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - The Watcher.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20The%20Watcher.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - What’s The Difference.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20What%27s%20The%20Difference.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Xxplosive.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20Xxplosive.mp3
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - You.mp3” for reading.
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Apr 07 21:02:21 iotStack mopidy[674]: WARNING [Core-7] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: local:track:Dr.%20Dre%20-%202001/Dr.%20Dre%20-%20You.mp3

Well the errors are pretty explicit (although I do recognize that reading a log file takes some practice :slight_smile: )

Apr 07 21:01:50 iotStack mopidy[674]: ERROR [MainThread] GStreamer error: Could not open file “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3” for reading.

The error states that mopidy cannot read your music files. I don’t know much about how samba shares work, but I guess a starting point would be:

  • display your music file specific permissions: e.g. run in a terminal
    ls -l "/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/"
  • check which user mopidy is running as (I think it will be mopidy if you are using mopidy as a service)
  • allow this user to access the music files.

Once you have provided the provious information, we can get into what commands to run to allow mopidy to access your files. You can also read some pages: File permissions and attributes - ArchWiki and Users and groups - ArchWiki (for how to add a user to a group).

1 Like


Thanks for explaining this and the links. I was reading a bit about permissions as I suspected that might be an issue, but I am very new to Linux and honestly it was a little confusing.

I ran the command above and got the following output:

pi@iotStack:~/Music $ ls -l “/home/pi/Music/Dr. Dre - 2001/”
total 111616
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5442 Jul 9 2019 AlbumArtSmall.jpg
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5287936 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Ackrite.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5347328 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Bang Bang.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 1228800 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Bar One.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5724160 Sep 2 2008 “Dr. Dre - Big Ego’s.mp3”
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 6092800 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Bitch Niggaz.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 2226176 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Ed-Ucation.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5345280 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Forgot About Dre - (featuring Eminem).mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5828608 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Housewife.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 3551232 Sep 2 2008 “Dr. Dre - Let’s Get High.mp3”
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 3872768 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Light Speed.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 1013760 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Lolo (Intro).mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 3567616 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Murder Ink.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 2238464 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Pause 4 Porno.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 6369280 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Some L.A. Niggaz.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 6502400 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Still D.R.E…mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 1474560 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - The Car Bomb.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 7907328 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - The Message.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 3885056 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - The Next Episode.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 4966400 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - The Watcher.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5869568 Sep 2 2008 “Dr. Dre - What’s The Difference.mp3”
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5173248 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - Xxplosive.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 4935680 Sep 2 2008 ‘Dr. Dre - You.mp3’
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 24000 Jul 9 2019 folder.jpg
-rw-rw---- 1 pi pi 5632 Jul 14 2011 Thumbs.db

Ok so what this (and all the others) lines mean is that AlbumArtSmall.jpg belongs to user pi, group pi, and that owner (pi user) and group members (all users belonging to the pi group) have read and write permssion on the file.

So the only thing you need to do is add the mopidy user to the pi group: in a terminal, run

usermod -aG pi mopidy
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I’m curious how you managed to “sudo mopidyctl local scan” those files you don’t have permission to access.

Yes seeing this I was a bit dubious that the solution would as simple as I expressed :smiley:
Hopefully this comes from mopidy being run as root at some point, as in OP’s first post.

I’m not sure how the guide in Build a home music system with Raspberry Pi — The MagPi magazine could work either, it also suggests just pointing to music in /home/pi/Music which the mopidy user will not be able to access. Am I missing something?

Thank you so much @sapristi, your solution solved my issue! I must admit my own Linux ignorance kept me from figuring that out on my own, but your help was exactly what I needed. I can now play music and snapcast works as well, I have a Pi Zero W with snapclient that receives and plays music. It seems to be working wel.

@kingosticks I sort of followed these guides and also some other advice from your responses on the forum and the oficial Mopidy documentation as well. I kind of hodge-podged it all together. One thing that I think helped me to be able to scan the files was to change the Daemon user to root from your recommendation here: How to change Deamon User to root

I’m guessing that’s how i was able to scan the files but not able to play them? I would assume that now that I have set the Mopidy user to the Pi user group, I can probably go back and change the Daemon user back to Mopidy, but I dont know if I should do that or just leave it alone as it is working now.

Thanks again @sapristi, @jjok, and @kingosticks for helping me to figure this out. It has been a learning experience and I appreciate your expertise and assistance.

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I would strongly suggest restoring the user back to mopidy, the root user should only be used for administrative tasks and not running general programs/services. If you find yourself using the root user for something like this it’s a good indicator you have a different problem. And anything for Pi Musicbox probably won’t apply.

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OK Thanks again @kingosticks . I will change it back as recommended. Cheers for the help once again!

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