How to change Deamon User to root

Hi everyone,
I installed Pi MusicBox and did all the required steps to install TTSGPIO; it now figures in the enabled extensions list. However, it still does not work :frowning: My guess is that I still didn’t figure out how to change Deamon User to root. If anyone could explain or help me out, it would be extremely appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
Hippolyte Lapierre

Can you be more specific by what you mean, what daemon are you talking about?

Thank you for your reply. On the Github page, it is specified that the program will not work without privileges. In order to grant privilege, it thates that we have to " edit /etc/init.d/mopidy file. Change DAEMON_USER=mopidy to DAEMON_USER=root". However, I can’t seem to figure out how to do this, how can you access this repository? Thank you for your help!

I don’t know what you mean by “access the repository”. I guess you just need to login to your pimusicbox using ssh and edit the file at /etc/init.d/mopidy as instructed.

Thank you for your reply, I already accessed my musicbox with SSH but i guess I am too unexperienced to edit such a file. Would you be able to explain which commands we need to enter to modify the file or give me a link to a website who explains. Sorry for my stupid question and I hope I am not unessecarily “spamming” the forum.

Top 3 options all look solid to me.

Thank you very much, it now works great!

Hi, thank you for this post, helped me change deamon user too. Follow up question as my set up still isn’t working unfortunately - how are you able to check if ttsgpio is an enabled extension when connected to your pi via ssh?