i wonder whether is it possible to mix two mp3 sources in real time with mopidy, so the user can listen them as one stream.
for example a live stream is playing, and in case of an incoming message i would like to inform the listener about the event.
any feedback is highly appreciated.
I had the same challenge and just worked around Mopidy. As kingosticks mentioned, you can just use a “dmix” sound output for Mopidy and another application in parallel.
$aplay -L
ADD ON USB Cinema system, USB Audio
Direct sample mixing device
Then use mpg123 or another sound player /usr/bin/mpg123 -a dmix:system welcome.mp3 >/dev/null 2>&1
What did you add under
in the mopidy config? I have tried many things like: output = alsasink device=pcm.dmix output = alsasink device=dmix output = pcm.dmix output = dmix output = alsasink device=plug:dmix output = plug:dmix
But none worked.
I have searched in this forum but all I find is different use cases or over and over the sentence “You should be able to configure an ALSA dmix plugin” but never really a proper how to.
I have dMix working with shairport by adding the line: output_device = “pcm.dmix”
But as mentioned above the same does not work with mopidy.
Any help is appreciated, I have spent hours and hours trying to make this work. I’d say that is my last try to get mopidy play along, then I will probably have to move on to another player or even volumio…