to open the question again: Might it be possible to extend mopidy to play multiple audio streams on different audio sinks simultaniously?
I’m thinking about extending Mopidy core to handle multiple Audio- and Tracklist-Instances but I’m not quite sure if there are issues I haven’t found so far…
And yes, I know that one solution is to start multiple mopidy server instances, but a “native” solution would offer more control and possibilities (e.g. control all audio stream from one web-extension…)
For anyone running mopidy as a service with pulsesink server and also want to stream here’s the config:
output = tee name=t ! queue ! audioresample ! pulsesink server = t. ! queue ! lamemp3enc ! shout2send async=false mount=mopidy ip=your_ip port=8000 password=your_password