Play Album <feature request>

I would like to be able to pass a directory containing audiofiles to mopidy via the mpd protocol.
Pretty much like what i can already do with the moc player:

beet list -f '$path' -a genre:blues John Lee Hooker | xargs -n 1 mocp -a 

i would like to do with my new favourite player mopidy.
A prefix of local:album: for such a directory path seems like an obvious choice.
Ultimately i would like

 mpc add local:album:/<directory path> 

to add recursively all audiofiles found in the library.
Is this feasible or is the format of the json library not adequate for such an approach?


Very nice approach to do this, playing an entire directory (album) would be usefull !!

Like you can do with mpc ls "Local media/<directory path>" | mpc add ?

You are right that works.
Thanks for mentioning it.