Do you think it’s worth having a Pirate Audio category? It seemed like there a bit of a surge in questions being asked when Pimoroni brought out that range of boards.
I haven’t seen anything specifically related to it recently though, so maybe it’s not worth it.
Maybe. I think pimoroni have their own support forum where I guess everyone posts and I don’t think any of that makes its way back to us. That isolation is probably both good and bad. I exchanged a few messages recently with the pimoroni dev about upstreaming fixes/bug reports but I don’t think anything will come of that. It’s also worth noting that pimoroni have some other software for pirate audio (I saw them experimenting with librespot) and we really don’t want to attract any problems with that here.
The real problem is with Pimonori’s download and install package with Mopidy leaving some users high and dry when nothing happens, as it occurred with me, now 2 days into trying to understand where in the Mopidy setup something didn’t get set up. I’ve not even got to the point of using their card since I haven’t even got Mopidy to see any of my mp3 files ( on the rasperrypi ).
So yes, you don’t want people asking about unrelated problems, but it seems to me that my problems are directly Mopidy based, but probably due to the Pimoroni ‘blind’ setup. I do need that part, though, since I would be clueless about adding the Pimoroni DAC as an output.
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