No items in library

Recently installed mopidy. Music sources are from local and gmusic extension. Client is ncmpcpp.

Upon starting ncmpcpp, if I go to the browse tab, I can see “[Local media]” (and “[Google music]”) where if I enter it I can see a list of my tracks.

However if I go to the “Media Library” tab, there are no items.

$ grep -ir "fail" mopidy.log

Fetching passwords from your keyring failed. Any passwords stored in the keyring will not be available. (org.freedesktop.secrets service not running)
Loading config from /etc/xdg/mopidy/mopidy.conf failed; it does not exist
Zeroconf service _mpd._tcp at [localhost.local]:6600: Avahi service not running; publish failed.
Zeroconf service _http._tcp at [localhost.local]:6680: Avahi service not running; publish failed.
Zeroconf service _mopidy-http._tcp at [localhost.local]:6680: Avahi service not running; publish failed.