Ncmpcpp Album Art with Mopidy Spotify

Well I really wanted this thing and it wasnt available so i made this

Link : GitHub - tr1xem/ncmpcpp-with-cover-art: Setup for displaying cover art in ncmpcpp with Mopidy-Spotify Support and Song Change Notifications with cover art.


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Cool. Was there something special required for “Mopidy-Spotify Support”?

Yea Using Mopidy Spotify u have to use player ctl to get art url and then fetch it while for local files u can just extract using ffmpeg

I m testing to get file art url from playerctl too still to test works fine with mopidy-spotify

Ahh ok, so by sounds of it your version works with any Mopidy extension, rather than only Mopidy-Local.

Yup it do even works with any player that supports player ctl too (but didnt bother to check cuz i use mopidy and ncmpcpp only)