MPC search timeout, MPC stats reports 0 songs

Hi -
I’m using Mopidy to create a GPIO based headless jukebox. I’ve been able use MPC commands to clear the MPC queue, load handbuilt playlists, toggle playback and skip songs. I have about 12 different albums in my Local media library, and can add them to the play queue if add the full path (mpc add “Local media/The Beatles”). However, when I try to use the MPC Search or Find commands, the program times out. The command “mpc search artist “The Beatles”” will timeout after about 30 seconds.

In addition, the command MPC stats reports 0 artists, albums and songs and shows the DB last updated 1/1/1970.

FWIW, i’m running as a service on Rasbian Jessie.

Has anyone been able to use MPC search or find? If so, any clues as to where to look?

In addition, the command MPC stats reports 0 artists, albums and songs and shows the DB last updated 1/1/1970.

Mopidy doesn’t actually implement that command. We haven’t found a sane way to map it to cloud services and all the various backends we support.

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Thanks, that makes a lot of sense given everything you do support. So far I’m only using local media, so maybe I should look elsewhere. Does Mopidy support MPC search or MPC find?

Find and search should work. I would take a look at if you want to try and figure out what is going on.

Thanks, I looked at the logs and it seemed to be hanging while searching and Youtube. I have since disabled all of the plugins I’m not actively using and both search and find are working.