I had some trouble getting to work a local radio stream using Pi MusicBox. Since it took me a while to figure out, how to make it work, I document my workaround for others that may run into the same issue:
On the Radio
page of Pi MusicBox I entered this streaming URL, but nothing happened:
A look at /var/log/mopidy/mopidy.log
revealed this error:
2014-09-14 12:29:31,682 - WARNING Problem looking up http://www.fritz.de/live.m3u: GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.
I searched the web, but did not find useful information.
I also tried other *.m3u
resources, e.g. http://mp3-live.swr3.de/swr3_m.m3u, which worked well.
I downloaded the m3u file using Firefox and checked its content:
#EXTINF:-1,Fritz vom rbb live hören - www.fritz.de
#EXTINF:-1,Fritz vom rbb live hören - www.fritz.de
#EXTINF:-1,Fritz vom rbb live hören - www.fritz.de
When I entered any of these URLs listed within the m3u file, the stream played well in Pi MusicBox.
Of course, if the content of http://www.fritz.de/live.m3u changes, I wouldn’t notice until streaming fails again.
I am not sure, what breaks GStreamer. The m3u file at http://mp3-live.swr3.de/swr3_m.m3u also defines #EXTM3U
settings, but works well. Maybe it is the German umlaut ö
in the #EXTINF
Hope this might be helpful for others.