Control Mopidy via Bluetooth?

Is there such thing as a frontend that lets you control Mopidy using multimedia keys on a BLE HID device?
I was thinking I could use a Puck JS as a play/pause button, for example.
Most of the Bluetooth talk seems to be around streaming audio to or from Mopidy. Thanks.

I don’t think so. There is mpris-proxy which I think might work to forward Bluetooth command to mpris and then on to Mopidy with Mopidy-Mpris?

Thanks. I don’t know anything about MPRIS. I’ll have a bit more of a look into it.

@jjok you might find some interesting ways to plug bluetooth input with mopidy commands by using Node-RED

I’ve managed to interconnect lircd and mopidy easily with this type of approach (see Controlling mopidy with lircd and Node-RED, screen with android tablet )

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