Found a great guide for getting a bluetooth dongle to work… but my zero w doesn’t seem to like the commands… so I’m stuck asking for assistance.
root@MusicBox:~# sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez bluez-utils blues-alsa
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package blues-alsa
Everything I’ve read tells me that the zero w has wifi and bluetooth radios built in, so I would think the rest should work, no? Any pointers would be appreciated! Thanks!
pimusicbox doesn’t currently support bluetooth I am afraid. We still use Raspbian Wheezy and I’ve never figured out how to get the Zero W Bluetooth to work under that.
k - so I’ve had 24 hrs to chew on it and I’ve found a couple of pieces of interesting documentation that say the RasPiZW can be connected via BT using wheezy but only with the use of an OS GUI. So… I read a suggestion somewhere to install XFCE4 - did that, musicbox no longer auto signed in at the console and it didn’t give me the desktop I was looking for when I xrdp’d to it. Upon breaking it, I reimaged and got the mb install back up and config’d - back to vanilla musicbox. Is there an OS GUI that is known to work with musicbox?
is there an installable package that works much like musicbox that maybe I can just start with a different GUI enabled distro, install a ‘musicbox like’ package, and still maintain BT control?
I apologize for the ignorance - I very new to using linux for entertainment purposes and don’t know much about the available softwares, tools, and distros outside of the network security space.
You can install Mopidy and all the other software/features you want from scratch on the latest Raspbian Stretch. I am afraid, while it’s been planned for a very long time, there is no way yet to easily install musicbox itself. I don’t know of alternatives, maybe ask on the raspberrypi forums for suggestions.