Hi all,
as this thread is quite old, I am wondering if any progress has been made on this module and if it has been tested with pimusicbox.
Hi all,
as this thread is quite old, I am wondering if any progress has been made on this module and if it has been tested with pimusicbox.
I’ll have to try to find the other thread. Someone else had used the original source and perhaps branched it, but made it his (or her) own. I have successfully installed his, but while it works fine on an Ubuntu laptop I’ve been toying with, I have never been able to make it work with a Pi and a USB CD drive. I’ve done clean builds and I’m using two heterogeneous CD drives.
I just build up a Pi, put on Mopidy, then either MusicBox or Iris (not much luck with Iris, probably because I’m using SnapCast and I don’t know what I’m doing) then SnapCast. Maybe I should give PiMusicBox another chance. It’s been a few years.
In my case, in the GUI (when using full Raspbian) the system sees CD insertions. In MusicBox, it sees the extension, but never finds the CD. On the Ubuntu box it plays back correctly.
Let me see if I can find the other thread. It was more promising than what I achieved here, with no disrespect at all to the people who contributed. I’m the weakest link in this whole thing - I am not a strong Linux user.
Added: Of course, afpeluso was the other developer and his (or her) replies above are what have gotten me the closest to being able to play back a CD using my Pi based system.
I’ve sort of let it rest for quite a long time. I may play with it some more tonight.
I was reading another thread (Solved - No audio as service but sudo -u mopidy works (DietPi)) and it made me think that maybe it was just a permissions issue for the mopidy user.
My test bed system is now seeing the CD just fine. I’m going to be a little more judicious with my “production” system (I added mopidy to the video group as well as the cdrom group - I think just cdrom will do.
I’m very excited about this. Thanks to everyone, especially afpeluso, for the input. Now if I can get Iris to give me control routing audio from different snapservers to different snapclients (another issue that I’m sure is user error on my part) I’ll be absolutely thrilled rather than just happy.
Added: “sudo adduser mopidy cdrom” fixed it. The “production” server can now play back a CD, which isn’t necessarily a huge deal for a lot of people, but it allows a bit of spontaneity to the whole thing.
Oddly, Iris is suddenly working as well. It used to not playback audio, I think there was something not configured right with SnapCast. FWIW, Iris is supposed to have a front end for SnapCast, so if I understand this correctly, I should be able to, via the Iris interface, have multiple servers and dynamically connect to clients on the fly.
I’m not really finding that. It may have been pulled. Iris works (now) and I’m not seeing any SnapCast UI in Iris (which I’m sure I saw earlier). I know, I should probably look at Iris’s changelog.
Hi, I have finally managed to get a mopidy CD player up and running, after many trials at different times (years)…
My first main obstacle was power supply drawn from my usb cd rom drive (at spinup), which has only one usb
cable (no separate power). Since the raspberry pi 2 and 3 ports cannot deliver enough current this was always
deemed to fail (see hardware board descriptions…). Workaround use a pi zero - the input 5v supply port goes
directly to the usb micro port so you can draw all the power you need from the power supply !!!..
Now to my mopidy questions… firstly the cd extension unfortunately causes the CD rom speed to go to max
at each track read which is noisy. Nice to have option in mopidy to slow down to say 4x. I added a udev rules
script workaround (eject -x 4) that inconsistently works.
My cdrom player has no eject button. Is it possible to add a fictive “eject” track to do this when loading tracks
from the cd, which I can activate after listening to whichever tracks I listen to ? (like this is done in the picoreplayer).
I found a fix with a separate app on my phone that send a ssh command “eject”, but this is not as clean as a
built-in mopidy-cd solution…
So these are my thoughts for improvements … thanks for any help.
Regarding your power problem, Y-splitter USB cables have separate power and data plugs for use with USB harddrives. That might help with using the regular pi again.
I’m not at all familiar with the cd extension but you could indeed extend it with support for a fake track that performed this operation when “played”. It’s an interesting idea. Otherwise there isn’t any easy way I can think of to extend Mopidy in general to support this very specific functionality.
Once I sorted the out the question of power, its no longer an issue. The pi zero is perfectly adequate /sufficient just to playback music headless…
Ideally I would prefer the possibility via mopidy web interface to send simple ssh commands such as “eject” or “shutdown now” - perhaps some additional buttons in the “now playing” section that the user could either program or select from standard options…
I tried putting such command scripts in “my music” folder on the sdcard but could not see how to make these be activated when selected in the playlist…
Also I am only a “user” not a proper programmer… I glean ideas /fixes from the web without necessarily understanding how the underlying code actually works…
also one reason this extension now works is the recent fix I found here GitHub - antosart/mopidy-cd: A plugin for mopidy for playing music from CD…