BT output: Only white noise when playing local files or internet radio

As described in
Mopidy installed, on Raspi Model B, audio output via Bluetooth dongle, the Spotify plugin is working,
but when I try to play local MP3 files or any stream from the streams page of the musicbox_webclient, it is only white noise.

OTOH, internet radio streaming from the command line using
mplayer -ao alsa:device=philipsbt
is working fine.

This is my /etc/asound.conf (note: I edited the file without actually understanding it):

pcm.mmap0 {
type mmap_emul;
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0";

pcm.philipsbt {
type plug
slave {
pcm {
type bluetooth
device 0C:A6:94:3D:6D:CA
profile "auto"


hint {
show on
description "BT Headset PhilipsBT"


ctl.philipsbt {
type bluetooth

pcm.!default {
type plug;
slave {
pcm philipsbt;

ctl.!default {
type plug;
slave {
ctl philipsbt;

Is this an ALSA configuration issue? I’m out of ideas.

To answer my own question:

I had to change the output configuration in mopidy.conf:

# output = alsasink
output = sbcenc ! a2dpsink device=philipsbt

I found an important hint in one of liamw9534’s comment on