Volume control from end user device


i’m new in PI Musicbox and i’m wondering if on the end user device (for ei: iphone 5s) it’s possible to change the volume ?
if yes, is it built in or do i’ve to set up something to see a volume buton on the interface?

in fact, i want to put my small amplifier and the raspberry in a small network rack with no physical access. so i will be not able to control the volume on the amplifier.i’ll set the volume of my amplifier to 75% and i want to manage those 75% load from the pi musicbox.

i hope i’m clear :confused:

thank you


On a desktop browser the volume slider is located under the navigation links on the left. You can see it in the following (outdated) image: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/woutervanwijk/Mopidy-MusicBox-Webclient/master/screenshots/playlists_desktop.png

if I simulate a mobile browser (with Chrome dev tools) I can find the volume slider in the same place, I just have to swipe or click the top-left menu icon to make the navigation drawer slide out.

Great thanks :smiley:

have a nice day

