Correct me if I’m wrong, but playlists from spotify don’ t currently work with musicbox and are unlikely to work in the coming months.
As a workaround I have IFTTT hook that syncs ’ your library’ with the designated playlist. And ’ your library’ works just fine for me through musicbox-webclient.
(Use case: To have different people adding things to musicbox playlist through their own spotify accounts, without learning to use new interfaces. Doesn’ t need to be instant, delay of few hours is fine. Big red physical button on the box is fine too.)
However, this still requires manual interventions to :
1)Refresh current tracklist from current ‘all music’
2)Recreate tracklist after restarts.
Those might be two separate problems, or it might be one.
I’ve searched but failed to find a solution - but it feels like someone must have already tried to fix at least part of this before, so maybe someone could share your experiences?
*)Is there a currently compatible .sh that overwrites [designated] local playlist with contents of the current tracklist? (i.e. automate musicboxes ‘add to playist, enter name, overwrite, yes’ functionality?
*)What is the correct syntax for the local playlist to be added to autoplay upon restart anyway? And am I correct, no playlist from Spotify can be currently added to autoplay upon restart? I’ve tried few approaches describe din posts back from 2015, so I guess the recent changes have broken everything?
*)Anyone has come up with .sh to automate ‘spotify web browse->your music->songs->add all to queue/playlist’ workflow ? It seems that opening the list already fetches a tracklist, so looping through the results just to recapture it one track at a time seems superfluos - any way to capture it more upstream?
Note: I don’ t use any other source for music, so all library is spotify tracks only. Not sure how references to spotify tracks are kept in mopidy though.
I have read through Autoplay All Tracks random and repeat but that’ s 1)not recent and 2)seems to be for local trakcs, while I don’ t have any locally saved music files and rely entirely on spotify for the source instead.