May be, I found an issue. At least in my environment mopidy stops sending events via WebSocket API when the tracklist is cleared (e.g. via ‘core.tracklist.clear’), while a track is beeing played.
Mopidy stops sending event to all connected http-clients.
This happens without a notice to the client - the very last event is a play stop message. The connection is still established. A reconnect does not solve the problem
To fix this a restart of mopidy is requird. Once running again the clients can automatically reconnect.
OK, it is not normal handling to clear a track while playing this track, but at least that shoud be metioned in the documentation. It has an impact on all connected http-clients.
My environment: Raspi 4B, 1G, RaspiOS 64 Bit Bullseye light, Mopidy 3.1.1 interestingly a client still can send JSON-RPC commands ( I use a different connection) and receive results after it stopped to send events.
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