Playlists are shown but do not play

now that I managed to get the .flac music files accessible in mopidy, I am having trouble with my playlists. This is my mopidy.conf:

media_dirs = /music/Network/flac/|NAS

playlists_dir = /music/Network/flac/00_playlists/>

The playlists are found and displayed. The tracks all start with …\XYZ\ABCD.flac but they do not play. If I click on the track, it just does not play. On the other hand, if I just browse through the files under /music/Network/flac, I see the tracks and can play them. It is just the playlists that do not work.

Any ideas?

I looked further into the matter today.

The playlist is in /music/Network/flac/00_playlists

The file is called xyz.m3u

The folder /music/Network/flac contains different folders, one for each artist, each artist folder contains folders for each album.

The .m3u file contains a list of the songs with relativ paths, e.g.

…\Herbie Hancock\Cantaloupe Island\Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island.flac

It appears to me that the relativ path is correct. Is there an issue with the blanks? Or any other issue with the file names?

It sounds similar to problem I had with file names, have a look at kingosticks answer here

Thank you for the hint. I tried “mpc ls” on my system. It does not know the command. I am not using MPD at this moment. Hence, I do not quite understand how I can find the right path that should be in the playlist.

In my log, I see a lot of the following messages:

Jan 23 23:08:40 raspberrypi mopidy[12550]: ERROR    [MainThread] GStreamer error: Resource not found.
Jan 23 23:08:40 raspberrypi mopidy[12550]: WARNING  [Audio-2] Setting GStreamer state to GST_STATE_PLAYING failed
Jan 23 23:08:40 raspberrypi mopidy[12550]: WARNING  [Core-10] mopidy.core.tracklist Track is not playable: file:///music/Network/flac/00_playlists/..%5CDeichkind%5CAufstand%20im%20Schlaraffenland%5CDeichkind%20-%20Remmidemmi%20%28Yippie%20Yippie%20Yeah%29.flac

I also see a lot of the following:

Jan 23 23:08:37 raspberrypi mopidy[12550]: WARNING  [FileBackend-6] mopidy.file.library Failed looking up file:///music/Network/flac/00_playlists/..%5CJOHANNA%20BORCHERT%5CFM%20BIOGRAPHY%5CJOHANNA%20BORCHERT%20-%20DESERT%20ROAD.flac: gst-resource-error-quark: Resource not found. (3)

I also see:

Jan 23 23:01:41 raspberrypi mopidy[12433]: WARNING  [FileBackend-7] mopidy.file.library Failed looking up file:///music/Network/flac/00_playlists/WatermelonMan.m3u: gst-stream-error-quark: This appears to be a text file (5)

To install mpc is
sudo apt install mpc
but you may want to wait until somebody with more knowledge can offer an in depth answer because I’m not sure this is the best way to resolve the problem.

I just made sure to install gstreamer plugins (good, bad, ugly). Rebooted. Now, I do not see the third kind of error (“appears to be a text file”) anymore. The other errors remain and the playlists do not play.

We can handle the spaces and you can can see them being correctly percent-encoded in the log lines. But we can’t handle the wrong slashes - that is not a valid path on your filesystem. The following should work:

../Herbie Hancock/Cantaloupe Island/Herbie Hancock - Cantaloupe Island.flac

Relative paths are fine and explained for the base_dir config setting:

Path to base directory for resolving relative paths in M3U files. If not set, relative paths are resolved based on the M3U file’s location.

I think the useful point in the linked post from @Steve_Lambert is that Mopidy needs to understand the entries in the m3u file. If the entries are valid URIs (like those you can get from mpc ls or similar e.g. file:// URIs) then Mopidy knows exactly what track is being referred to. Otherwise, relative paths are used and the value of base_dir is important. Mopidy doesn’t understand Windows paths.

Thank you! I did not notice that the slashes are in the wrong direction.

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