Is there any official docker image for Mopidy? It will be great to have a official supported container with same featured as Raspberry Pi images.
Kind regards.
Is there any official docker image for Mopidy? It will be great to have a official supported container with same featured as Raspberry Pi images.
Kind regards.
No, there is not. Nobody on the core team has an interest in that. So we would need someone from the community to take on the role of providing it and also supporting it. Without the latter it’s a waste of time (edit: I don’t mean to be negative but we have to realistic).
This is the image for my setup. Feel free to fork it as a starting point for your own.
That look a great container, I try to execute as composite:
image: jjok/mopidy
container_name: mopidy
- /dev/snd:/dev/snd
- "6600:6600"
- "6680:6680"
restart: always
- mopidy-cache:/root/.cache/mopidy
- mopidy-share:/root/.local/share/mopidy
But I get this error:
ERROR: for mopidy pull access denied for jjok/mopidy, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
ERROR: pull access denied for jjok/mopidy, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Is it possible to add this image to Docker Hub?
I want to get a minimal mopidy container and then I all I need.
Kind regards.
You probably don’t want to build that container, unless you coincidentally want to use exactly the same setup as me. You probably want to fork the repository, make whatever changes you want, then do a build locally, on the machine that you want to run it on.
Hello jjok,
This is perfect for me. I use docker-compose to execute my containers.
You’ll just need to build the container then.