So I am still very new to Linux so please excuse me if this is a stupid question but the general rule of thumb is usually to search for the problem online and hopefully find a solution before asking but I have read the documentation and used several tutorials as a reference and it still does not seem to work and it has honestly gotten me very frustrated since I’ve spent hours desperately searching for a solution.
Basically opening ncmpccp gives me a ‘connection refused’ error so naturally, I tried running mopidy in the console where it just stays there indefinitely.
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,159 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
Starting Mopidy 3.1.1
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,174 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from builtin defaults
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,176 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from file:///home/ivan2/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,176 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.config
Loading config from command line options
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,262 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
Enabled extensions: mpd, file, softwaremixer, http, spotify, stream, m3u
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,262 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
Disabled extensions: none
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,366 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy mixer: SoftwareMixer
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,367 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy audio
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,368 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy backends: FileBackend, M3UBackend, StreamBackend, SpotifyBackend
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,383 [1042:Audio-2]
Audio output set to "autoaudiosink"
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:50,979 [1042:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.backend
Logged in to Spotify in online mode
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:51,809 [1042:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.web
Logged into Spotify Web API as 4sn78ujo3n9e4dw6s1ul4i24h
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,862 [1042:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
Refreshed 13 Spotify playlists
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,863 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy core
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,871 [1042:Core-9]
Loading state from /home/ivan2/.local/share/mopidy/core/state.json.gz
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,874 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting Mopidy frontends: HttpFrontend, MpdFrontend
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,876 [1042:HttpFrontend-11]
HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,878 [1042:MainThread]
MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600
INFO 2021-06-18 04:27:59,879 [1042:MainThread] mopidy.commands
Starting GLib mainloop
I have the same port and hostname for both my mopidy and ncmpccp configs. I have tried running it as a service and have the necessary packages installed such as mopidy-mdp and mopidy-spotify.
My config
restore_state = true
enabled = true
hostname =
port = 6600
enabled = true
username =
password = ******
client_id = (Already inside my config)
client_secret = ******
bitrate = 320
If you all have any solutions please list them down below because I really do not know what else to do