Good day to all,
I am a newbie to Mopidy but managed to get it somehow setup.
- OS - Raspbian lite.
- Hardware - Rasp 4 and Rasp 3
- I have snapserver and snap client installed on the mopidy server and snapclient on the “dining room” pi.
- Iris is installed with Spotify which plays through the mopidy server >headphone jack > Logitech speakers
Issue: I am unable to play Spotify through raspberry pi (3) > Headphone Jack > Bose speaker.
Note: on the client, I do hear audio when I run the command
aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav”
Snap client log:
sudo service snapclient status
● snapclient.service - Snapcast client
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/snapclient.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-12-29 22:31:24 CST; 11h ago
Docs: man:snapclient(1)
Main PID: 325 (snapclient)
Tasks: 2 (limit: 881)
CGroup: /system.slice/snapclient.service
└─325 /usr/bin/snapclient --logsink=system mopidy
Preformatted text`Dec 30 10:03:03 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 64,
Dec 30 10:03:03 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 88,
Dec 30 10:03:04 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 92,
Dec 30 10:03:04 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 100
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 96,
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 44,
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 28,
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 12,
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 8,
Dec 30 10:03:05 diningroom snapclient[325]: ServerSettings - buffer: 1000, latency: 0, volume: 4,