Tracks too short for Mopidy? Or something else?

I just added two albums of tracks by the same artist, but one album cannot be scanned for some reason:
WARNING [MainThread] mopidy_local.commands Failed scanning file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Night%20Before%20Death%20of%20Sampling%20Virus/1.%20Toyota.mp3: Timeout after 1000ms
<etc for the other 78 tracks on the album>

yes, there are 79 tracks, and yes, some of them are quite short (~2 seconds in some cases), but when i scan the metadata with gst i don’t see any problems:

bsack@upstairspi:~ $ gst-discoverer-1.0 /mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo\ Yoshihide/Night\ Before\ Death\ of\ Sampling\ Virus/1.\ Toyota.mp3
Analyzing file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Night%20Before%20Death%20of%20Sampling%20Virus/1.%20Toyota.mp3
Done discovering file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Night%20Before%20Death%20of%20Sampling%20Virus/1.%20Toyota.mp3

Duration: 0:00:02.089795918
Seekable: yes
Live: no
unknown #0: ID3 tag
audio #1: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
Stream ID: 2133f31595b254c33e5a8064b470dd1c93387962a005151568a9f874792e06e6
Channels: 2 (front-left, front-right)
Sample rate: 44100
Depth: 16
Bitrate: 0
Max bitrate: 0

compare that with this for a track that does scan in Mopidy (and now appears in Iris)

bsack@upstairspi:~ $ gst-discoverer-1.0 /mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo\ Yoshihide/Cathode\ (1999)/01\ Modulation\ #2.mp3
Analyzing file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Cathode%20(1999)/01%20Modulation%20%232.mp3
Done discovering file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Cathode%20(1999)/01%20Modulation%20%232.mp3

Duration: 0:10:23.293333333
Seekable: yes
Live: no
unknown #0: ID3 tag
audio #1: MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)
Stream ID: 557fdd6b38945578380505576ba934d516577f389affd3486e0fdc9581c8717a
Channels: 2 (front-left, front-right)
Sample rate: 44100
Depth: 16
Bitrate: 0
Max bitrate: 0

Is there a limit on the length of some mp3s? note that not every track on that album is short - some are over 2 minutes.

here’s the output for the track in question:

bsack@upstairspi:~ $ python3 -m /mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo\ Yoshihide/Night\ Before\ Death\ of\ Sampling\ Virus/1.\ Toyota.mp3
2024-07-03 11:38:16,475 TRACE element decodebin0: have-audio;
2024-07-03 11:38:16,490 TRACE element mpegaudioparse0: GstMessageDurationChanged;
2024-07-03 11:38:17,058 TRACE element fakesink0: GstMessageTag, taglist=(taglist)"taglist,\ title=(string)Toyota,\ artist…
2024-07-03 11:38:17,620 TRACE element fakesink0: GstMessageTag, taglist=(taglist)"taglist,\ title=(string)Toyota,\ artist…
2024-07-03 11:38:17,624 TRACE element pipeline0: GstMessageAsyncDone, running-time=(guint64)18446744073709551615;
uri file:///mnt/chunky/home/bsack/ski/ipod/Otomo%20Yoshihide/Night%20Before%20Death%20of%20Sampling%20Virus/1.%20Toyota.mp3
mime None
duration 2089
playable True
seekable True
title [‘Toyota’]
artist [‘大友良英’]
album [‘Night Before Death of Sampling Virus’]
datetime [‘1993’]
track-number [1]
container-format [‘ID3 tag’]
encoder [‘Lavf56.4.101’]
image [b’\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n\x00\x00\x00\rIHDR\x00\x00\x02X\x0…
has-crc [False]
channel-mode [‘stereo’]
audio-codec [‘MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3)’]

I have another question about why Mopidy/Iris will not display Brian Eno as an artist on my system, but i’ll make that a separate topic!

so i didn’t solve this but somehow fixed the individual case by loading the files into kid3 and changing the ID3v1 tags so the “artist” field read “Otomo Yoshihide” instead of “???” - the new files are read by mopidy and show up as they should.

could there be some problem with the character set used in the ID3v1 tag? if so, would that show up as an error somewhere?

It’s curious, mopidy-local fails to scan precisely the same album at home, but the failure is on the 44-th track only: No problems with the other tracks.

WARNING  [MainThread] mopidy_local.commands Failed scanning file:///mnt
/44%20Isuzu.flac: Track shorter than 100ms

I tag files using Picard and MusicBrainz database.

For track 44, I suspect that the CD rip generated a broken file; I’ll retry and keep you informed.

interesting. well, you did get the “Track shorter than 100ms” warning which i did not get.

My files by the way came from a [ahem] dubious source and were already encoded as mp3s. I’m guessing there was something about the headers or metadata that gstreamer or mopidy didn’t like.

According to MusicBrainz the 44-th track is 93ms long, which is confirmed with CD in hands. In conclusion the warning for that track is adequate.

matthias@peitho:~/Téléchargements$ exiftool Track\ 44.wav 
ExifTool Version Number         : 12.57
File Name                       : Track 44.wav
Directory                       : .
File Size                       : 17 kB
File Modification Date/Time     : 2024:07:08 21:46:45+02:00
File Access Date/Time           : 2024:07:08 21:46:45+02:00
File Inode Change Date/Time     : 2024:07:08 21:46:45+02:00
File Permissions                : -rw-r--r--
File Type                       : WAV
File Type Extension             : wav
MIME Type                       : audio/x-wav
Encoding                        : Microsoft PCM
Num Channels                    : 2
Sample Rate                     : 44100
Avg Bytes Per Sec               : 176400
Bits Per Sample                 : 16
Software                        : gvfs-cdda using libcdio 2.1.0 x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
Duration                        : 0.09 s