Spotify login error: <ErrorType.USER_NEEDS_PREMIUM: 15>

Interestingly, this also seems to have killed off a number of standalone devices that must have been using libspotify, such as some in-car music players. Can’t afford a new car!

Spotify have been saying for a while that supporting libspotify makes it harder to implement new features, but those features are features spotify want, not features that users want.

I’d like to see spotify support return to Mopidy again, I put so much effort into using it, but for now I’ve cancelled my subscription and am spending the money on Bandcamp instead. FLAC files are nice.

I really wish bandcamp had more of a streaming focus and provided a library. I’d jump to using that in an instant.

I think we’ll get Spotify support back in some form shortly, might take a while to iron out the new kinks though. That is, until they kill librespot’s access.


To be honest, this has made me completely rethink the idea of building a library on some service I can lose access to on the whim of whoever runs it. Time to invest in some hard drives I think.

Spotify would still be interesting as a source of new things to listen to. That’s always the main thing I used it for, but I’ll never rely on it or any streaming service again.

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Another alternative to get spotify quickly running again on PIs is spotifyd.
Raspotify doesn’t provide updates for Raspberry 1/Zero any more.

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Anyone know of someone working on integrating mopidy with a different music streaming service w/ a decent API? Guess it’s time for me to blow the dust off my hard drive w/ all my music from the pre-music-streaming-service days…

I’m not aware of any streaming service with a decent API (for our use case). They all suck. Spotify was the odd one out to even have anything, even if it was a relic from a different Spotify era.

Some people are trying to move to Mopidy-Tidal. It’s a reverse engineered API. Tidal don’t offer any public API which is far worse than Spotify, I’m not giving them a penny, personally.

Have You seen this gstreamer plugin GStreamer / gst-plugins-rs ? It seems that it has spotify support through librespot. Havent tested it but it looks like there is spotifyaudiosrc which can play spotify uris. Maybe this plugin + spotify web api would be an easy path to reintegrate spotify with mopidy ? Iris frontend is heavily using web api so i guess that ability to play spotify uris would be already a big step forward.

I think that’s the plan. You can follow the conversation here:

We finally got some attention. I wrote a readers letter to a popular german magazin. They published it and event asked spotify for a statement: Abgeschaltet: libspotify-Aus legt selbstgebastelte Musikboxen für Kinder lahm | heise online

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I have moved to mopidy-tidal for over 10 days now, and I am quite satisfied. The authors are working on improving the cache and I have installed the “better-cache” branch here, which is very fast.
Happy with it, I don’t miss Spotify.

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Because of my family I cannot move to tidal and I am curious to hear if there are other initiatives to work with Spotify.

Is there any progress on this? This was the key feature of mopidy for me. Is there any way to maybe get mopidy working as a streaming target for other Spotify devices even if it can’t directly access the service?

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tidal has almost the same family plan

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For anyone that finds themselves here, please visit mopidy-spotify/README.rst at main · mopidy/mopidy-spotify · GitHub for the latest status.

Mopidy-Spotify has been (mostly) working again for a few months now but currently requires you to manually install a new dependency. Details are on GitHub.

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