Good afternoon guys,
First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for Mopidy! I love the Pi Music Box and it has replaced my old Hi-Fi system and physical media and has enriched my life a lot.
I found that there were some things that kinda bothered about the program and I wrote a couple of scripts to overcome them and I’d thought I’d share with you guys incase anybody is interested;
Pi Music Box / Mopidy has no scheduled shutdown / sleep timer. Something I like to do when I’m listening to maybe an audiobook is to activate a sleep timer but no such option exists that I’ve found.
Pi Music Box / Mopidy has no shuffle feature for folders / albums or entire song collections so I wrote a script to shuffle through music collections too.
Pi Music Box / Mopidy has no alarm style feature. I have coded that into my script too as I keep my Pi Music Box on all the time (it’s running on a Pi Zero W).
I’m happy with this but they do require you to run the script at CLI so more of a power user script really but I’m sharing it here with you guys in the hope someone might find it useful!
Link-> GitHub - TheBlode/Pi-MusicBox-Scripts: A collection of scripts you can run on Pi Music Box
All the best,