"mpc save" creates two copies of playlist and one can't be deleted

As in the title, when I use “mpc save [playlist name]” it creates two playlists:

playlist_name [2]

The first is empty and won’t delete using “mpc rm”. The second contains the songs I added and can be deleted.

Running on Raspbian stretch.

Any ideas what’s going on here?

Does one of them disappear after you restart Mopidy? Can you provide a debug showing this occurring?

They’re both still there after restarting. Oddly enough it seems to randomly vary which of the two playlists becomes undeletable.

Command line:

pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mopidy -v > mopidy.log 2>&1

pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc add spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc add spotify:track:1NvhRyQqnePNGHO2SuSa6o
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc play
Newen Afrobeat - Santiago
[playing] #0/2   0:00/0:00 (0%)
volume: n/a   repeat: off   random: off   single: off   consume: off
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc save abc
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc lsplaylists
abc [2]
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc rm abc
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc lsplaylists
abc [2]
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc rm "abc [2]"
pi@raspberrypi:~/mopidy $ mpc lsplaylists
abc [2]

And the debug (had to split between two posts):

/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mopidy/ext.py:202: PkgResourcesDeprecationWarning: Parameters to load are deprecated.  Call .resolve and .require separately.
  extension_class = entry_point.load(require=False)
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:25,501 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Starting Mopidy 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,662 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: mpd = mopidy.mpd:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,673 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-MPD 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,674 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: http = mopidy.http:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,679 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-HTTP 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,679 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: stream = mopidy.stream:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,684 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-Stream 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,684 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: m3u = mopidy.m3u:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,691 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-M3U 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,692 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: softwaremixer = mopidy.softwaremixer:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,695 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-SoftwareMixer 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,696 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: file = mopidy.file:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,701 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-File 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,702 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: local = mopidy.local:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,729 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-Local 2.2.2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,732 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: spotify = mopidy_spotify:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,739 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-Spotify 3.1.0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,742 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loading entry point: spotify_tunigo = mopidy_spotify_tunigo:Extension
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,748 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Loaded extension: Mopidy-Spotify-Tunigo 1.0.0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,808 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Discovered extensions: mpd, http, stream, m3u, softwaremixer, file, local, spotify, spotify_tunigo
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,849 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.config.keyring
  Fetching passwords from your keyring failed. Any passwords stored in the keyring will not be available. (org.freedesktop.secrets service not running)
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:25,851 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from builtin defaults
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:25,897 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from /etc/xdg/mopidy/mopidy.conf failed; it does not exist
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:25,899 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from /home/pi/.config/mopidy/mopidy.conf
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:25,926 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.config
  Loading config from command line options
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,071 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: mpd
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,077 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: http
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,855 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: stream
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,867 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: m3u
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,873 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: softwaremixer
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,879 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: file
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,884 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: local
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:26,890 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: spotify
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:27,836 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.ext
  Validating extension: spotify_tunigo
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:27,969 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Enabled extensions: spotify, mpd, http, stream, spotify_tunigo, m3u, softwaremixer, file, local
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:27,973 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.__main__
  Disabled extensions: none
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:32,809 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Available Mopidy mixers: SoftwareMixer
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:32,824 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Mixer disabled
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:32,829 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy audio
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:32,874 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy backends: StreamBackend, M3UBackend, FileBackend, LocalBackend, SpotifyBackend, SpotifyTunigoBackend
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:33,067 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio output set to "alsasink"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:33,183 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.local.actor
  Using json as the local library
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:33,187 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.local.json
  Loading library: /home/pi/.local/share/mopidy/local/library.json.gz
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:33,201 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.local.json
  No local library metadata cache found at /home/pi/.local/share/mopidy/local/library.json.gz. Please run `mopidy local scan` to index your local music library. If you do not have a local music collection, you can disable the local backend to hide this message.
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:33,208 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.local.library
  Loaded 0 local tracks using json
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:33,933 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy core
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:33,970 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.backend
  Logged in to Spotify in offline mode
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:34,334 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting Mopidy frontends: MpdFrontend, HttpFrontend
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:34,353 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.mpd.actor
  MPD server running at [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,376 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.http.actor
  Starting HTTP server
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:34,421 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.http.actor
  HTTP server running at [::ffff:]:6680
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:34,425 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Starting GLib mainloop
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,443 [13569:HttpServer] mopidy.http.actor
  Loaded HTTP extension: mopidy
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,494 [13569:HttpServer] mopidy.http.actor
  HTTP routes from extensions: 
    u'/mopidy': <class 'mopidy.http.handlers.AddSlashHandler'>
    u'/mopidy/ws/?': <class 'mopidy.http.handlers.WebSocketHandler'>
    u'/mopidy/rpc': <class 'mopidy.http.handlers.JsonRpcHandler'>
    u'/mopidy/(.+)': <class 'mopidy.http.handlers.StaticFileHandler'>
    u'/mopidy/': <class 'mopidy.http.handlers.ClientListHandler'>
    u'/': <class 'tornado.web.RedirectHandler'>
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,576 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy MPD server on raspberrypi" (_mpd._tcp at []:6600): Published
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,685 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy HTTP server on raspberrypi" (_http._tcp at []:6680): Published
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:34,724 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy HTTP server on raspberrypi" (_mopidy-http._tcp at []:6680): Published
INFO     2019-07-06 20:34:35,972 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.backend
  Logged in to Spotify in online mode
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,121 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,132 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,143 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,151 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,158 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,166 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,182 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,177 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,201 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:47,212 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,192 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,202 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,213 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,221 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,228 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,236 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,247 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,254 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,262 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:34:58,269 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,247 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,258 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,267 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,276 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,283 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,290 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,304 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,310 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,326 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:09,336 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
INFO     2019-07-06 20:35:19,415 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,436 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_begin
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,443 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: add "spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,448 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_end
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,968 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.tracklist
  Triggering event: tracklist_changed()
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,973 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending tracklist_changed to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,979 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:19,988 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,003 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,014 [13569:MpdSession-15] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,225 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,231 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,238 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,244 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,249 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,255 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,261 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,270 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,280 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:20,287 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2

Debug pt 2:

INFO     2019-07-06 20:35:30,929 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:30,944 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_begin
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:30,953 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: add "spotify:track:1NvhRyQqnePNGHO2SuSa6o"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:30,961 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_end
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,272 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,278 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,285 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,291 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,296 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,307 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,323 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,333 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,769 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.tracklist
  Triggering event: tracklist_changed()
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,773 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending tracklist_changed to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,779 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,787 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,809 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,814 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,817 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:31,835 [13569:MpdSession-16] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
INFO     2019-07-06 20:35:38,845 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:38,859 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: play
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:39,128 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:39,130 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:39,141 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playback
  Audio requested change of track; loading and starting Spotify player
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:39,175 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.gst
  Sending TAG event for track 'spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO': 'taglist, artist=(string)"Newen\\ Afrobeat", title=(string)Santiago, album=(string)"Newen\\ Afrobeat";'
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,629 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got source-setup signal: element=GstAppSrc
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,693 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,701 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,698 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playback
  Audio requested seek to 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,711 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playback
  Skipping seek due to issue mopidy/mopidy#300
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,723 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_ok_begin
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,754 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: status
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,763 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: currentsong
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:43,776 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_end
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:44,288 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got STREAM_START bus message
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,138 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio event: stream_changed(uri=u'appsrc://')
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,160 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.listener
  Sending stream_changed to AudioListener: {'uri': u'appsrc://'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,206 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.playback
  Changing state: stopped -> playing
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,228 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.playback
  Triggering playback state change event
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,238 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playback_state_changed to CoreListener: {'old_state': u'stopped', 'new_state': u'playing'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,280 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending player to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,287 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.playback
  Triggering track playback started event
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,316 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending track_playback_started to CoreListener: {'tl_track': TlTrack(tlid=1, track=Track(album=Album(artists=[Artist(name=u'Newen Afrobeat', uri='spotify:artist:0PTJ848ulShbjTx2yqaAlb')], date=u'2014', name=u'Newen Afrobeat', uri='spotify:album:60XC21RghW30sUhWg8aAai'), artists=[Artist(name=u'Newen Afrobeat', uri='spotify:artist:0PTJ848ulShbjTx2yqaAlb')], bitrate=160, date=u'2014', disc_no=0, length=812000, name=u'Santiago', track_no=1, uri='spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO'))}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,269 [13569:Dummy-19] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got SEGMENT pad event: rate=1.0 format=time start=0 stop=18446744073709551615 position=0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,375 [13569:Dummy-19] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio event: position_changed(position=0L)
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,393 [13569:Dummy-19] mopidy.listener
  Sending position_changed to AudioListener: {'position': 0L}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,382 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.actor
  Position query failed
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,638 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: 
    volume: -1
    repeat: 0
    random: 0
    single: 0
    consume: 0
    playlist: 2
    playlistlength: 2
    xfade: 0
    state: play
    nextsong: 0
    nextsongid: 1
    time: 0:0
    elapsed: 0.000
    bitrate: 0
    file: spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO
    Time: 812
    Artist: Newen Afrobeat
    Album: Newen Afrobeat
    Title: Santiago
    Date: 2014
    Track: 1
    Pos: 0
    Id: 1
    AlbumArtist: Newen Afrobeat
    X-AlbumUri: spotify:album:60XC21RghW30sUhWg8aAai
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,674 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,699 [13569:MpdSession-17] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,853 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,922 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got ASYNC_DONE bus message.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,983 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got TAG bus message: tags={'album': [u'Newen Afrobeat'], 'artist': [u'Newen Afrobeat'], 'title': [u'Santiago']}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:46,996 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio event: tags_changed(tags=['album', 'title', 'artist'])
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:47,042 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.listener
  Sending tags_changed to AudioListener: {'tags': ['album', 'title', 'artist']}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:47,072 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
  Got TAG bus message: tags={'album': [u'Newen Afrobeat'], 'artist': [u'Newen Afrobeat'], 'title': [u'Santiago']}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:47,133 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:47,156 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.actor
  Audio event: state_changed(old_state=stopped, new_state=playing, target_state=None)
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:47,162 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.listener
  Sending state_changed to AudioListener: {'old_state': u'stopped', 'target_state': None, 'new_state': u'playing'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,833 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,843 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,849 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,862 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,870 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,875 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,884 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,907 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,921 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:49,945 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
INFO     2019-07-06 20:35:52,439 [13569:MpdSession-20] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:52,468 [13569:MpdSession-20] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: save "abc"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,152 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" added to index 3
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,195 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist_changed to CoreListener: {'playlist': Playlist(name=u'abc', uri='spotify:user:spaech:playlist:7cSAegGVOPWoTduTBpbDVg')}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,209 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,314 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist_changed to CoreListener: {'playlist': Playlist(last_modified=1562409353274L, name=u'abc', uri='m3u:abc.m3u8')}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,326 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,417 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist_changed to CoreListener: {'playlist': Playlist(last_modified=1562409353374L, name=u'abc', tracks=[Track(name=u'Santiago', uri='spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO'), Track(name=u'Caminante', uri='spotify:track:1NvhRyQqnePNGHO2SuSa6o')], uri='m3u:abc.m3u8')}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,441 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,455 [13569:MpdSession-20] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,476 [13569:MpdSession-20] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:53,504 [13569:MpdSession-20] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
INFO     2019-07-06 20:35:57,570 [13569:MpdSession-21] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:57,583 [13569:MpdSession-21] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: lsinfo ""
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:58,628 [13569:MpdSession-21] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: 
    directory: Files
    directory: Local media
    directory: Spotify
    directory: Spotify Browse
    playlist: abc
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:35:58Z
    playlist: spotify-all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:35:58Z
    playlist: spotify_all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:35:58Z
    playlist: test
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:35:58Z
    playlist: abc [2]
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:35:58Z
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:58,664 [13569:MpdSession-21] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:35:58,686 [13569:MpdSession-21] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,777 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" removed from index 3
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,787 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,796 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,806 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,817 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,821 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,826 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,836 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,850 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,862 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,868 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:04,878 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" added to index 3
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:08,894 [13569:MpdSession-22] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,908 [13569:MpdSession-22] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: rm "abc"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,927 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist_deleted to CoreListener: {'uri': 'm3u:abc.m3u8'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,945 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,955 [13569:MpdSession-22] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,972 [13569:MpdSession-22] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:08,986 [13569:MpdSession-22] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,759 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" removed from index 3
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,775 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,791 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,797 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,819 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,823 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,841 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,853 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,863 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,878 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,895 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:15,912 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" added to index 3
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:16,431 [13569:MpdSession-23] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:16,450 [13569:MpdSession-23] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: lsinfo ""
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:16,596 [13569:MpdSession-23] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: 
    directory: Files
    directory: Local media
    directory: Spotify
    directory: Spotify Browse
    playlist: spotify-all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:16Z
    playlist: spotify_all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:16Z
    playlist: test
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:16Z
    playlist: abc [2]
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:16Z
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:16,644 [13569:MpdSession-23] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:16,658 [13569:MpdSession-23] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,574 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" removed from index 3
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,605 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,619 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,651 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,677 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,692 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,698 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,718 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,725 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,748 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,764 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:27,789 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" added to index 3
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:30,345 [13569:MpdSession-24] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,373 [13569:MpdSession-24] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: rm "abc [2]"
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,390 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlist_deleted to CoreListener: {'uri': 'spotify:user:spaech:playlist:7cSAegGVOPWoTduTBpbDVg'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,397 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,409 [13569:MpdSession-24] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,426 [13569:MpdSession-24] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:30,438 [13569:MpdSession-24] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:33,238 [13569:MpdSession-25] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:33,261 [13569:MpdSession-25] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: lsinfo ""
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:33,414 [13569:MpdSession-25] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: 
    directory: Files
    directory: Local media
    directory: Spotify
    directory: Spotify Browse
    playlist: spotify-all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:33Z
    playlist: spotify_all
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:33Z
    playlist: test
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:33Z
    playlist: abc [2]
    Last-Modified: 2019-07-06T10:36:33Z
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:33,443 [13569:MpdSession-25] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:33,471 [13569:MpdSession-25] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,177 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" removed from index 3
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,187 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" removed from index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,191 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" removed from index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,201 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" removed from index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,204 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist container loaded
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,207 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to BackendListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,210 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playlists_loaded to CoreListener: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,219 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending stored_playlist to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,231 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify-all" added to index 0
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,236 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "spotify_all" added to index 1
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,245 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "test" added to index 2
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:42,250 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.playlists
  Spotify playlist "abc" added to index 3
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:46,022 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  New MPD connection from [::ffff:]:6600
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,032 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: stop
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,051 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.playback
  Audio requested stop; pausing Spotify player
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,060 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: OK
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,068 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_ok_begin
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,106 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: status
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,145 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: currentsong
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,149 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Request from [[::ffff:]:6600]: command_list_end
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,164 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,207 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.gst
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,211 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.playback
  Changing state: playing -> stopped
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,213 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.core.playback
  Triggering playback state change event
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,215 [13569:Core-10] mopidy.listener
  Sending playback_state_changed to CoreListener: {'old_state': u'playing', 'new_state': u'stopped'}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,220 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.listener
  Sending player to MpdSession: {}
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,240 [13569:Audio-1] mopidy.audio.actor
  Position query failed
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,273 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.mpd.session
  Response to [[::ffff:]:6600]: 
    volume: -1
    repeat: 0
    random: 0
    single: 0
    consume: 0
    playlist: 2
    playlistlength: 2
    xfade: 0
    state: stop
    song: 0
    songid: 1
    nextsong: 1
    nextsongid: 2
    file: spotify:track:0DCEBEtw6MzGZsQ5X8dQDO
    Time: 812
    Artist: Newen Afrobeat
    Album: Newen Afrobeat
    Title: Santiago
    Date: 2014
    Track: 1
    Pos: 0
    Id: 1
    AlbumArtist: Newen Afrobeat
    X-AlbumUri: spotify:album:60XC21RghW30sUhWg8aAai
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,286 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.internal.network
  Client most likely disconnected.
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:46,296 [13569:MpdSession-26] mopidy.internal.network
  Already stopping: Actor is shutting down.
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:48,217 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Interrupted. Exiting...
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:48,223 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Stopping Mopidy frontends
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,226 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of MpdFrontend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,251 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy MPD server on raspberrypi" (_mpd._tcp at []:6600): Unpublished
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,256 [13569:MpdFrontend-11] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 0 instance(s) of MpdSession
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,266 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of HttpFrontend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,285 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy HTTP server on raspberrypi" (_http._tcp at []:6680): Unpublished
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,297 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.zeroconf
  Zeroconf service "Mopidy HTTP server on raspberrypi" (_mopidy-http._tcp at []:6680): Unpublished
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,300 [13569:HttpFrontend-13] mopidy.http.actor
  Stopping HTTP server
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,304 [13569:HttpServer] mopidy.http.actor
  Stopped HTTP server
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:48,308 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Stopping Mopidy core
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,314 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of Core
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:48,324 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Stopping Mopidy backends
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,327 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of StreamBackend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,336 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of M3UBackend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,345 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of FileBackend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,356 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of LocalBackend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,365 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of SpotifyBackend
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,372 [13569:SpotifyBackend-6] mopidy_spotify.backend
  Logging out of Spotify
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,445 [13569:SpotifyEventLoop] mopidy_spotify.backend
  Logged out of Spotify
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,449 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of SpotifyTunigoBackend
INFO     2019-07-06 20:36:48,461 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.commands
  Stopping Mopidy audio
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,464 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  Stopping 1 instance(s) of Audio
DEBUG    2019-07-06 20:36:48,476 [13569:MainThread] mopidy.internal.process
  All actors stopped.