Error installing mopidy-iris

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo python3 -m pip install Mopidy-Iris
Collecting Mopidy-Iris
Downloading (7.2MB)
95% |██████████████████████████████▋ | 6.9MB 103kB/s eta 0:00:03
THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS FILE. If you have updated the package versions, please update the hashes. Otherwise, examine the package contents carefully; someone may have tampered with them.
Mopidy-Iris from
Expected sha256 f44606b5e0a8a9af7fef4914b77c17b838bfa20873ea3c01857ac0a92c94a355
Got 5c0f3c9c7ae67955b91397ae1711e5fc9046b8b823c8c8ecf83e5012e38377f3

You should create a new issue on the github iris bug tracker for this.