ANNOUNCEMENT: New Extension Mopidy-BeetsLocal

Also - `I tried to update your plugin but cant tell if it worked. What is best practice for doing this? Not familiar with python and still learning the Mopidy plugin system

You have still enabled the mopidy- beets extension. You should disable it when using beetslocal. S.o.

For updating use:
Sudo pip install --update Mopidy-BeetsLocal

While browsing works for me in musicbox_webclient, ncmpcpp is still not hapyy.
I get a ‘Malformed entity response line’ error.

On the root level i return a list of genres like so:

for row in self._browse_genre():
                uri=translator.build_uri('genre', row[0]),

There is a genre of ‘’ for the tracks without a genre.
Any idea what the issue could be here?

Replaced the genre of ‘’ with ‘No Genre’ and ncmpcpp ist listing the genres now.
The next level artist is still empty though.
This is what i return

[Ref(name=u'Clan of Xymox', type=u'artist', uri=u'beetslocal:artist:Clan%20of%20Xymox'), Ref(name=u'Various Artists', type=u'artist', uri=u'beetslocal:artist:Various%20Artists')]

Any ideas?

Got it:
Artist Refs are not browsable via mpd.
Fixed it by using directory refs instead.

Now there remains the issue of Various Artist listing all albums in all genres.
Have to rethink my uri scheme to fix this.
Also Media Library in ncmpcpp does not yet work.

Just uploaded a new version (0.0.7)
The Various Artist bug is fixed and Media Library in ncmpcpp works now.
With about 35.000 tracks response time is fast enough to navigate in the media library alongside the spotify extension without ncmpcpp timing out. Browsing feels almost instantly.

I decided to write only the release year into the date field of Tracks instead of ‘YY-mm-dd’ to make the library browsing by year in ncmpcpp usable.

The uri scheme is completely rewritten using the great uritools now. The code for find_albums and find_artist is still there, but not used. For performance reasons only tracks are returened.

Sounds great! And thanks for name-dropping uritools :wink: