Stream takes too long till play, warning and error

Thanks adamcik for the run on your system. It looks quite similar. And I recognised something interesting. It seems, the prerolling stops not before ‘title’ has been catched. If updates during playing will be possible, it should be ok to start playing sound with an empty title and update title every time this tag will be found in the stream.

Actually the version of GStreamer I use is That means, as you suggested, end of the story.

I like to look forward to the new level of mopidy using GStreamer 1.0.

Here my sttings, that makes me a little bit more happy:

At last, my list of wishes for the next version:

  • Take VLC as a reference for start-to-play time of Radio Stations. Alternatively use Windows Media Player or Winamp. It will be cool, Pi Musicbox will be at least as fast as all of them!

  • It will also be cool, the “Now Playing” text will be updated on the
    fly, whenever a new Medatag ‘Title’ has been detected.

  • Integrate a stream restart mechanism that is robust, even the break in stream is for hours. (mpd-watchdog works perfectly for me).

  • Out of scope of this topc: it will also be great if the list of Streams is stored on player’s database and could be edited and re-ordered directly inside the web-Player window.