Ignoring MacOS folder icon files on local scan

Hello all, first-time user. Mopidy installed via homebrew and currently scanning.

Config file set to follow symlinks correctly after some initial hiccups.

All of my music folders have MacOS folder icons within them.

Inspecting these in a Finder window they appear as Icon?.

Inspecting these as the ouput of ls -la they appear as;

-rw-r--r--@ 1 user admin 0B 26 Nov 2016 Icon?

The output of my {{mopidy local scan}} is throwing warning messages;

WARNING Failed local:track:Releases/Ambulance%20%3A%20Da%20Paramedics%20%E2%9D%B22002%E2%9D%B3%20Whindie%20EP%20%5BFES002CD%5D/Icon%0D: gst-stream-error-quark: Stream contains no data. (4)

I’m sure this isn’t adversely affecting the scan of the files, however could this be slowing the process down?

I’ve tried adding the Icon file to the list of excluded scan items but I am unsure of the syntax, as they don’t have file extensions as such. I’ve tried various escape characters but I can’t seem to get it to pick them up.

Any help is appreciated!

It doesn’t need to be a file extension exactly, it just matches if the file name ends with the string. The tricky bit here is that %0d is an encoded carriage return and I’m not sure how you can get that literal in there. Maybe try extension ‘Icon\r’?

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Thanks for the reply, 80% of the way through a folder import so will try this on the next folder I scan.

I wonder what the carriage return is for?

Thinking of scrapping the files altogether as I’m moving to a headless MPD model anyway, but trying to make the library as user friendly as possible for any visitors I have over who might browse it from the Finder.

But if the scanner can’t scan these files, they don’t appear when browsing the collection, right?